IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Buchnera aphidicola str. Cc (Cinara cedri)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 21.40 STD DEV: 4.64
Buchnera aphidicola str. Cc (Cinara cedri), complete genome - 1..416380
357 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
9	 29.25	+1	10754..11047	+	97	116514959	groES	BCc_010	-	hypothetical protein
10	 33.15	+2	11102..12754	+	550	116514960	groEL	BCc_011	-	chaperonin GroEL
11	 23.21	0	12893..13465	+	190	116514961	efp	BCc_012	-	hypothetical protein
12	 22.36	0	13484..14221	-	245	116514962	dnaC	BCc_013	-	DNA replication protein DnaC
13	 19.58	0	14426..14992	-	188	116514963	yhhF	BCc_014	-	YhhF
14	 18.92	0	15068..16108	+	346	116514964	ftsY	BCc_015	-	hypothetical protein
15	 25.11	0	16181..17056	+	291	116514965	rpoH	BCc_016	-	RNA polymerase sigma-32 factor
16	 24.09	0	17328..19610	+	760	116514966	metE	BCc_017	-	5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate--homocysteine methyltransferase
17	 28.37	+1	19824..24056	-	1410	116514967	rpoC	BCc_018	-	RNA polymerase, b' subunit
18	 25.99	0	24138..28169	-	1343	116514968	rpoB	BCc_019	-	RNA polymerase, b subunit
19	 24.12	0	28396..28764	-	122	116514969	rplL	BCc_020	-	50S ribosomal protein L12
20	 15.43	-1	28816..29301	-	161	116514970	rplJ	BCc_021	-	50S ribosomal protein L10
21	 22.61	0	29473..30153	-	226	116514971	rplA	BCc_022	-	50S ribosomal protein L1
22	 25.98	0	30156..30590	-	144	116514972	rplK	BCc_023	-	50S ribosomal protein L11
23	 23.94	0	30641..31183	-	180	116514973	nusG	BCc_024	-	hypothetical protein
24	 18.35	0	31186..31572	-	128	116514974	secE	BCc_025	-	hypothetical protein
25	 19.84	0	32539..33420	+	293	116514975	metF	BCc_030	-	5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
26	 16.73	-1	33603..34397	+	264	116514976	argB	BCc_031	-	hypothetical protein
27	 26.42	+1	34426..35625	+	399	116514977	argG	BCc_032	-	hypothetical protein
28	 23.72	0	35658..37040	+	460	116514978	argH	BCc_033	-	hypothetical protein
29	 24.38	0	37456..39297	-	613	116514979	rpoD	BCc_034	-	RNA polymerase major s factor
30	 16.75	-1	39462..41234	-	590	116514980	danG	BCc_035	-	DNA primase
31	 29.63	+1	41306..41521	-	71	116514981	rpsU	BCc_036	-	30S ribosomal protein S21
32	 23.16	0	41712..42743	+	343	116514982	gcp	BCc_037	-	Gcp
33	 20.88	0	42863..44107	+	414	116514983	cca	BCc_038	-	tRNA CCA-pyrophosphorylase
34	 20.24	0	44744..46507	+	587	116514984	lig	BCc_039	-	DNA ligase
35	 18.81	0	46858..48282	+	474	116514985	gltX	BCc_042	-	GltX
36	 15.99	-1	48902..50371	+	489	116514986	fliF	BCc_043	-	hypothetical protein
37	 11.18	-2	50368..51342	+	324	116514987	fliG	BCc_044	-	hypothetical protein
38	 15.22	-1	51357..52046	+	229	116514988	fliH	BCc_045	-	hypothetical protein
39	 23.29	0	52052..53425	+	457	116514989	fliI	BCc_046	-	hypothetical protein
40	 15.06	-1	54847..55251	+	134	116514990	fliN	BCc_047	-	hypothetical protein
41	 20.95	0	55416..56150	+	244	116514991	fliP	BCc_048	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP
42	 19.48	0	56190..56456	+	88	116514992	fliQ	BCc_049	-	hypothetical protein
43	 11.36	-2	56462..57262	+	266	116514993	fliR	BCc_050	-	hypothetical protein
44	 16.97	0	57387..57551	-	54	116514994	rpmG	BCc_051	-	50S ribosomal protein L33
45	 22.97	0	57563..57784	-	73	116514995	rpmB	BCc_052	-	50S ribosomal protein L28
46	 22.96	0	57899..58438	-	179	116514996	ppa	BCc_053	-	hypothetical protein
47	 18.60	0	59958..60785	-	275	116514997	yraL	BCc_055	-	YraL
48	 25.74	0	61084..62307	+	407	116514998	fabB	BCc_056	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase I
49	 23.93	0	62504..63460	+	318	116514999	talA	BCc_057	-	transaldolase B
50	 26.98	+1	63507..65504	+	665	116515000	tktB	BCc_058	-	TktB
51	 23.17	0	65594..66724	+	376	116515001	dapE	BCc_059	-	succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase
52	 25.28	0	66878..67771	-	297	116515002	dapA	BCc_060	-	hypothetical protein
53	 29.28	+1	68027..69088	-	353	116515003	aroC	BCc_061	-	chorismate synthase
54	 22.16	0	69362..69898	+	178	116515004	yfcN	BCc_062	-	YfcN
55	 26.33	+1	70187..71086	+	299	116515005	hisG	BCc_063	-	ATP phosphoribosyltransferase
56	 25.15	0	71094..72389	+	431	116515006	hisD	BCc_064	-	hypothetical protein
57	 19.87	0	72425..73486	+	353	116515007	hisC	BCc_065	-	hypothetical protein
58	 22.47	0	73488..74555	+	355	116515008	hisB	BCc_066	-	imidazole glycerol-phosphate dehydratase/histidinol phosphatase
59	 20.98	0	74556..75146	+	196	116515009	hisH	BCc_067	-	hypothetical protein
60	 22.63	0	75151..75888	+	245	116515010	hisA	BCc_068	-	hypothetical protein
61	 27.16	+1	75870..76646	+	258	116515011	hisF	BCc_069	-	imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisF
62	 20.87	0	76640..77257	+	205	116515012	hisI	BCc_070	-	hypothetical protein
63	 24.42	0	77322..78734	+	470	116515013	gnsD	BCc_071	-	6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating
64	 19.53	0	78929..80572	+	547	116515014	metG	BCc_072	-	hypothetical protein
65	 16.06	-1	80573..81880	-	435	116515015	mesJ	BCc_073	-	hypothetical protein
66	 19.04	0	82139..83425	+	428	116515016	tyrS	BCc_075	-	hypothetical protein
67	 16.25	-1	83466..83822	-	118	116515017	sufA	BCc_076	-	FeS assembly scaffold protein
68	 24.69	0	84313..85365	+	350	116515018	aroH	BCc_077	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
69	 19.96	0	85506..87434	+	642	116515019	thrS	BCc_078	-	hypothetical protein
70	 25.14	0	87438..87974	+	178	116515020	infC	BCc_079	-	hypothetical protein
71	 22.22	0	88036..88233	+	65	116515021	rpmI	BCc_080	-	50S ribosomal protein L35
72	 24.72	0	88277..88636	+	119	116515022	rplT	BCc_081	-	50S ribosomal protein L20
73	 20.06	0	88747..89748	+	333	116515023	pheS	BCc_082	-	hypothetical protein
74	 18.07	0	89764..92154	+	796	116515024	pheT	BCc_083	-	hypothetical protein
75	 24.44	0	92161..92475	+	104	116515025	himA	BCc_084	-	hypothetical protein
76	 15.87	-1	92883..94823	-	646	116515026	glyS	BCc_085	-	hypothetical protein
77	 22.34	0	94827..95708	-	293	116515027	glyQ	BCc_086	-	glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
78	 22.22	0	95902..96774	+	290	116515028	nfo	BCc_087	-	hypothetical protein
79	 14.81	-1	96893..97189	+	98	116515029	rplY	BCc_088	-	50S ribosomal protein L25
80	 17.87	0	97688..98515	+	275	116515030	ksgA	BCc_089	-	hypothetical protein
81	 24.70	0	98637..101855	-	1072	116515031	carB	BCc_090	-	hypothetical protein
82	 22.55	0	101834..102964	-	376	116515032	carA	BCc_091	-	hypothetical protein
83	 19.46	0	103047..103868	-	273	116515033	dapB	BCc_092	-	hypothetical protein
84	 19.75	0	104019..106844	-	941	116515034	ileS	BCc_093	-	hypothetical protein
85	 16.09	-1	107181..107441	+	86	116515035	rpsT	BCc_094	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
86	 26.05	+1	107518..108684	-	388	116515036	dnaJ	BCc_095	-	hypothetical protein
87	 27.86	+1	108818..110734	-	638	116515037	dnaK	BCc_096	-	hypothetical protein
88	 19.09	0	111122..111493	+	123	116515038	nuoA	BCc_097	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain A
89	 28.61	+1	111618..112295	+	225	116515039	nuoB	BCc_098	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit B
90	 26.60	+1	112466..114202	+	578	116515040	nuoCD	BCc_099	-	bifunctional NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C/D
91	 23.99	0	114234..114704	+	156	116515041	nuoE	BCc_100	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain E
92	 26.65	+1	114701..116017	+	438	116515042	nuoF	BCc_101	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain F
93	 22.02	0	116140..118878	+	912	116515043	nuoG	BCc_102	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain G
94	 23.96	0	118905..119843	+	312	116515044	nuoH	BCc_103	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain H
95	 27.11	+1	119859..120404	+	181	116515045	nuoI	BCc_104	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain I
96	 15.43	-1	120421..120906	+	161	116515046	nuoJ	BCc_105	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain J
97	 19.14	0	120942..121244	+	100	116515047	nuoK	BCc_106	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain K
98	 16.08	-1	121241..123106	+	621	116515048	nuoL	BCc_107	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain L
99	 18.32	0	123412..124650	+	412	116515049	nuoM	BCc_108	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain M
100	 16.94	0	124666..126111	+	481	116515050	nuoN	BCc_109	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain N
101	 25.16	0	126199..127152	-	317	116515051	prsA	BCc_110	-	hypothetical protein
102	 25.88	0	127420..128493	+	357	116515052	prfA	BCc_111	-	hypothetical protein
103	 20.50	0	128516..129349	+	277	116515053	hemK	BCc_112	-	hypothetical protein
104	 17.90	0	129388..130197	+	269	116515054	ychA	BCc_113	-	YchA
105	 20.56	0	130297..131517	+	406	116515055	ackA	BCc_114	-	AckA
106	 23.81	0	131608..132594	+	328	116515056	pta	BCc_115	-	hypothetical protein
107	 24.28	0	132701..135184	-	827	116515057	gyrA	BCc_116	-	DNA gyrase, A subunit
108	 24.38	0	135380..135982	-	200	116515058	ahpC	BCc_117	-	hypothetical protein
21.40	MEAN

4.64	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.