IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Buchnera aphidicola str. Cc (Cinara cedri)

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 21.40 STD DEV: 4.64
Buchnera aphidicola str. Cc (Cinara cedri), complete genome - 1..416380
357 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
83	 19.46	0	103047..103868	-	273	116515033	dapB	BCc_092	-	hypothetical protein
84	 19.75	0	104019..106844	-	941	116515034	ileS	BCc_093	-	hypothetical protein
85	 16.09	-1	107181..107441	+	86	116515035	rpsT	BCc_094	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
86	 26.05	+1	107518..108684	-	388	116515036	dnaJ	BCc_095	-	hypothetical protein
87	 27.86	+1	108818..110734	-	638	116515037	dnaK	BCc_096	-	hypothetical protein
88	 19.09	0	111122..111493	+	123	116515038	nuoA	BCc_097	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain A
89	 28.61	+1	111618..112295	+	225	116515039	nuoB	BCc_098	-	NADH dehydrogenase subunit B
90	 26.60	+1	112466..114202	+	578	116515040	nuoCD	BCc_099	-	bifunctional NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C/D
91	 23.99	0	114234..114704	+	156	116515041	nuoE	BCc_100	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain E
92	 26.65	+1	114701..116017	+	438	116515042	nuoF	BCc_101	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain F
93	 22.02	0	116140..118878	+	912	116515043	nuoG	BCc_102	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain G
94	 23.96	0	118905..119843	+	312	116515044	nuoH	BCc_103	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain H
95	 27.11	+1	119859..120404	+	181	116515045	nuoI	BCc_104	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain I
96	 15.43	-1	120421..120906	+	161	116515046	nuoJ	BCc_105	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain J
97	 19.14	0	120942..121244	+	100	116515047	nuoK	BCc_106	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain K
98	 16.08	-1	121241..123106	+	621	116515048	nuoL	BCc_107	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain L
99	 18.32	0	123412..124650	+	412	116515049	nuoM	BCc_108	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain M
100	 16.94	0	124666..126111	+	481	116515050	nuoN	BCc_109	-	NADH dehydrogenase I chain N
101	 25.16	0	126199..127152	-	317	116515051	prsA	BCc_110	-	hypothetical protein
102	 25.88	0	127420..128493	+	357	116515052	prfA	BCc_111	-	hypothetical protein
103	 20.50	0	128516..129349	+	277	116515053	hemK	BCc_112	-	hypothetical protein
104	 17.90	0	129388..130197	+	269	116515054	ychA	BCc_113	-	YchA
105	 20.56	0	130297..131517	+	406	116515055	ackA	BCc_114	-	AckA
106	 23.81	0	131608..132594	+	328	116515056	pta	BCc_115	-	hypothetical protein
107	 24.28	0	132701..135184	-	827	116515057	gyrA	BCc_116	-	DNA gyrase, A subunit
108	 24.38	0	135380..135982	-	200	116515058	ahpC	BCc_117	-	hypothetical protein
109	 21.49	0	136126..136809	+	227	116515059	ung	BCc_118	-	Ung
110	 11.89	-2	136846..137358	-	170	116515060	grpE	BCc_119	-	hypothetical protein
111	 24.68	0	138114..138425	+	103	116515061	ydhD	BCc_121	-	YdhD
112	 27.63	+1	138471..139136	-	221	116515062	rnt	BCc_122	-	ribonuclease T
113	 19.34	0	139571..140149	+	192	116515063	pth	BCc_123	-	hypothetical protein
114	 19.06	0	140205..141248	+	347	116515064	ychF	BCc_124	-	GTP-binding protein
115	 23.90	0	141328..142620	-	430	116515065	thrC	BCc_125	-	threonine synthase
116	 25.95	0	142607..143554	-	315	116515066	thrB	BCc_126	-	homoserine kinase
117	 18.80	0	143574..146036	-	820	116515067	thrA	BCc_127	-	hypothetical protein
118	 18.71	0	146438..147661	-	407	116515068	pcnB	BCc_128	-	hypothetical protein
119	 22.35	0	148324..149133	+	269	116515069	truA	BCc_129	-	hypothetical protein
120	 23.31	0	149470..152064	+	864	116515070	secA	BCc_130	-	hypothetical protein
121	 25.44	0	152550..155210	+	886	116515071	aceE	BCc_131	-	pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit E1
122	 21.61	0	155222..156475	+	417	116515072	aceF	BCc_132	-	hypothetical protein
123	 25.00	0	156561..157988	+	475	116515073	lpdA	BCc_133	-	LpdA
124	 20.24	0	158292..158627	-	111	116515074	yadR	BCc_134	-	YadR
125	 32.21	+2	158816..159976	-	386	116515075	ftsZ	BCc_135	-	hypothetical protein
126	 20.78	0	160042..161292	-	416	116515076	ftsA	BCc_136	-	ATP-binding cell division protein
127	 20.56	0	161767..162690	-	307	116515077	yabC	BCc_137	-	S-adenosyl-dependent methyl transferase
128	 20.70	0	162839..163321	-	160	116515078	ilvH	BCc_138	-	hypothetical protein
129	 26.55	+1	163331..165055	-	574	116515079	ilvI	BCc_139	-	IlvI
130	 23.31	0	165214..166041	-	275	116515080	dapD	BCc_140	-	2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2-carboxylate N-succinyltransferase
131	 21.21	0	166182..166973	-	263	116515081	map	BCc_141	-	hypothetical protein
132	 25.21	0	167330..168055	+	241	116515082	rpsB	BCc_142	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
133	 21.30	0	168112..168942	+	276	116515083	tsf	BCc_143	-	Tsf
134	 21.11	0	169040..169759	+	239	116515084	pyrH	BCc_144	-	hypothetical protein
135	 17.74	0	169814..170371	+	185	116515085	frr	BCc_145	-	hypothetical protein
136	 14.39	-1	170544..172259	+	571	116515086	yaeT	BCc_146	-	YaeT
137	 19.56	0	172329..172778	+	149	116515087	fabZ	BCc_147	-	(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-(acyl carrier protein) dehydratase
138	 19.75	0	172906..176424	+	1172	116515088	dnaE	BCc_148	-	DNA polymerase III, a subunit
139	 20.17	0	176442..177710	-	422	116515089	proS	BCc_149	-	prolyl-tRNA synthetase
140	 16.31	-1	178132..179247	+	371	116515090	flhB	BCc_150	-	hypothetical protein
141	 19.38	0	179257..181356	+	699	116515091	flhA	BCc_151	-	FlhA
142	 17.77	0	181368..183083	-	571	116515092	argS	BCc_152	-	hypothetical protein
143	 17.67	0	185343..186038	+	231	116515093	dnaQ	BCc_156	-	DNA polymerase III, e subunit
144	 14.89	-1	186323..186913	+	196	116515094	grpE1	BCc_158	-	GrpE1
145	 19.36	0	186979..187448	+	156	116515095	smpB	BCc_159	-	SsrA-binding protein
146	 20.78	0	187494..187955	+	153	116515096	tadA	BCc_160	-	hypothetical protein
147	 16.80	0	187971..188351	-	126	116515097	acpS	BCc_161	-	hypothetical protein
148	 15.44	-1	188326..189219	-	297	116515098	era	BCc_162	-	hypothetical protein
149	 26.73	+1	189225..189905	-	226	116515099	rnc	BCc_163	-	hypothetical protein
150	 13.99	-1	189989..190846	-	285	116515100	lepB	BCc_164	-	hypothetical protein
151	 22.56	0	190867..192657	-	596	116515101	lepA	BCc_165	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
152	 18.81	0	192964..194085	+	373	116515102	trmU	BCc_166	-	hypothetical protein
153	 20.78	0	194317..195081	+	254	116515103	fabI	BCc_167	-	FabI
154	 20.18	0	195292..197238	+	648	116515104	rnb	BCc_168	-	exoribonuclease II
155	 19.21	0	197331..197939	+	202	116515105	lipB	BCc_169	-	hypothetical protein
156	 23.15	0	198016..198948	+	310	116515106	lipA	BCc_170	-	lipoyl synthase
157	 18.70	0	199051..200916	-	621	116515107	sppA	BCc_171	-	hypothetical protein
158	 23.31	0	201093..201521	-	142	116515108	yciA	BCc_172	-	YciA
159	  8.63	-2	201623..202375	-	250	116515109	yciC	BCc_173	-	YciC
160	 18.74	0	202788..203518	+	243	116515110	yciL	BCc_174	-	YciL
161	 18.00	0	203605..204426	-	273	116515111	suhB	BCc_175	-	hypothetical protein
162	 18.98	0	204572..205651	+	359	116515112	yfgB	BCc_176	-	YfgB
163	 19.25	0	205733..207010	+	425	116515113	hisS	BCc_177	-	hypothetical protein
164	 24.72	0	207123..208376	+	417	116515114	glyA	BCc_178	-	hypothetical protein
165	 16.51	-1	208553..209539	-	328	116515115	pgl	BCc_179	-	6-phosphogluconolactonase
166	 18.52	0	209599..211650	-	683	116515116	mfd	BCc_180	-	hypothetical protein
167	 26.63	+1	212086..213084	+	332	116515117	gapA	BCc_181	-	hypothetical protein
168	 19.26	0	213225..213764	-	179	116515118	fldA	BCc_182	-	hypothetical protein
169	 19.89	0	214091..214648	+	185	116515119	ybgI	BCc_183	-	YbgI
170	 19.06	0	214894..217695	+	933	116515120	sucA	BCc_184	-	2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component
171	 20.13	0	217701..218897	+	398	116515121	sucB	BCc_185	-	2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E2 component
172	 22.51	0	219187..219879	+	230	116515122	gpmA	BCc_186	-	hypothetical protein
173	 24.61	0	220001..220963	+	320	116515123	pfkA	BCc_187	-	6-phosphofructokinase
174	 22.61	0	221127..221891	-	254	116515124	tpiA	BCc_188	-	hypothetical protein
175	 22.11	0	222000..222293	-	97	116515125	himD	BCc_189	-	HimD
176	 24.78	0	222342..224012	-	556	116515126	rpsA	BCc_190	-	30S ribosomal protein S1
177	 22.86	0	224252..225559	-	435	116515127	aroA	BCc_191	-	3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase
178	 22.50	0	225626..226714	-	362	116515128	serC	BCc_192	-	phosphoserine aminotransferase
179	 20.97	0	226809..228110	-	433	116515129	serS	BCc_193	-	hypothetical protein
180	 22.63	0	228397..229386	+	329	116515130	trxB	BCc_194	-	hypothetical protein
181	 25.46	0	229401..229616	+	71	116515131	infA	BCc_195	-	hypothetical protein
182	 18.82	0	229678..231393	+	571	116515132	aspS	BCc_196	-	AspS
21.40	MEAN

4.64	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.