IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Brucella canis ATCC 23365

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 57.15 STD DEV: 4.17
Brucella canis ATCC 23365 chromosome I, complete sequence - 1..2105969
2102 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
916	 57.49	0	922590..923210	-	206	161618907	-	BCAN_A0963	-	glutathione S-transferase IV
917	 56.35	0	923383..924216	-	277	161618908	-	BCAN_A0964	-	His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine amino acid ABC transporter permease
918	 57.40	0	924219..924941	-	240	161618909	-	BCAN_A0965	-	His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine amino acid ABC transporter permease
919	 47.78	-2	924957..925136	-	59	161618910	-	BCAN_A0966	-	hypothetical protein
920	 55.27	0	925184..925990	-	268	161618911	-	BCAN_A0967	-	extracellular solute-binding protein
921	 58.45	0	927662..928696	-	344	161618912	moaA	BCAN_A0970	-	molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A
922	 55.28	0	928883..929242	+	119	161618913	-	BCAN_A0971	-	hypothetical protein
923	 56.28	0	929310..930416	-	368	161618914	-	BCAN_A0972	-	monooxygenase, FAD-binding
924	 58.46	0	930760..932379	-	539	161618915	-	BCAN_A0973	-	tartrate/fumarate subfamily Fe-S type hydro-lyase beta subunit
925	 55.38	0	933157..934689	+	510	161618916	-	BCAN_A0974	-	peptidoglycan binding domain-containing protein
926	 53.57	0	935490..935741	-	83	161618917	-	BCAN_A0977	-	transglycosylase-associated protein
927	 54.94	0	935896..936057	+	53	161618918	-	BCAN_A0978	-	hypothetical protein
928	 50.78	-1	936250..937275	-	341	161618919	-	BCAN_A0980	-	hypothetical protein
929	 57.69	0	937450..938652	+	400	161618920	-	BCAN_A0981	-	hypothetical protein
930	 51.47	-1	937680..937883	-	67	161618921	-	BCAN_A0982	-	hypothetical protein
931	 51.52	-1	938649..938879	+	76	161618922	-	BCAN_A0983	-	hypothetical protein
932	 57.61	0	938876..939151	+	91	161618923	-	BCAN_A0984	-	hypothetical protein
933	 54.76	0	939174..939761	+	195	161618924	-	BCAN_A0985	-	hypothetical protein
934	 57.58	0	940907..941038	-	43	161618925	-	BCAN_A0988	-	hypothetical protein
935	 52.05	-1	941055..941225	-	56	161618926	-	BCAN_A0989	-	hypothetical protein
936	 49.44	-1	941243..941422	+	59	161618927	-	BCAN_A0990	-	hypothetical protein
937	 55.56	0	941573..941887	-	104	161618928	-	BCAN_A0991	-	hypothetical protein
938	 48.29	-2	941887..942207	-	106	161618929	-	BCAN_A0992	-	hypothetical protein
939	 58.95	0	942295..942903	+	202	161618930	-	BCAN_A0993	-	tRNA-guanine transglycosylase
940	 57.99	0	942973..943341	+	122	161618931	-	BCAN_A0994	-	transposase for insertion sequence element IS6501
941	 48.94	-1	943449..943730	+	93	161618932	-	BCAN_A0995	-	transposase for insertion sequence element IS6501
942	 52.50	-1	943785..944504	+	239	161618933	-	BCAN_A0996	-	hypothetical protein
943	 48.63	-2	944639..946285	+	548	161618934	-	BCAN_A0997	-	hypothetical protein
944	 46.80	-2	946611..947843	+	410	161618935	-	BCAN_A0998	-	hypothetical protein
945	 45.13	-2	947840..949399	+	519	161618936	-	BCAN_A0999	-	hypothetical protein
946	 43.24	-2	949380..949601	-	73	161618937	-	BCAN_A1000	-	hypothetical protein
947	 59.68	0	949746..950504	+	252	161618938	-	BCAN_A1001	-	hypothetical protein
948	 53.70	0	950468..950737	-	89	161618939	-	BCAN_A1002	-	hypothetical protein
949	 50.62	-1	950882..951124	+	80	161618940	-	BCAN_A1003	-	hypothetical protein
950	 46.08	-2	951226..951327	+	33	161618941	-	BCAN_A1004	-	hypothetical protein
951	 44.20	-2	951336..951473	+	45	161618942	-	BCAN_A1005	-	hypothetical protein
952	 55.17	0	951464..951811	+	115	161618943	arsC	BCAN_A1006	-	arsenate reductase
953	 57.82	0	952182..953447	+	421	161618944	rlpA	BCAN_A1007	-	rare lipoprotein A
954	 58.27	0	953558..954748	+	396	161618945	-	BCAN_A1008	-	Serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase
955	 57.67	0	954830..955474	+	214	161618946	tmk	BCAN_A1009	-	thymidylate kinase
956	 59.93	0	955471..956553	+	360	161618947	holB	BCAN_A1010	-	DNA polymerase III subunit delta'
957	 56.67	0	956573..956722	+	49	161618948	-	BCAN_A1011	-	hypothetical protein
958	 57.62	0	956722..958269	+	515	161618949	metG	BCAN_A1012	-	methionyl-tRNA synthetase
959	 55.81	0	958278..959069	+	263	161618950	-	BCAN_A1013	-	TatD family hydrolase
960	 56.53	0	959072..959890	+	272	161618951	-	BCAN_A1014	-	beta-lactamase domain-containing protein
961	 59.50	0	959940..961739	-	599	161618952	-	BCAN_A1015	-	cyclic beta-1,2-glucan ABC transporter
962	 59.23	0	962052..963032	+	326	161618953	-	BCAN_A1016	-	RluA family pseudouridine synthase
963	 54.44	0	963035..963958	+	307	161618954	-	BCAN_A1017	-	hypothetical protein
964	 57.66	0	963955..964620	+	221	161618955	-	BCAN_A1018	-	HAD family hydrolase
965	 58.24	0	964662..965444	+	260	161618956	-	BCAN_A1019	-	ATP12 ATPase
966	 55.39	0	965570..966979	-	469	161618957	glnA	BCAN_A1020	-	glutamine synthetase, type I
967	 53.69	0	967127..967465	-	112	161618958	glnB	BCAN_A1021	-	nitrogen regulatory protein P-II
968	 60.62	0	967772..969277	+	501	161618959	-	BCAN_A1022	-	YjeF family protein
969	 61.46	+1	969308..969499	-	63	161618960	-	BCAN_A1023	-	hypothetical protein
970	 57.59	0	969577..970281	-	234	161618961	gph	BCAN_A1024	-	phosphoglycolate phosphatase
971	 57.37	0	970628..971326	+	232	161618962	rpiA	BCAN_A1025	-	ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A
972	 60.15	0	971352..971888	+	178	161618963	-	BCAN_A1026	-	hypothetical protein
973	 55.84	0	972042..973436	+	464	161618964	gor	BCAN_A1027	-	glutathione reductase
974	 59.11	0	973645..975033	+	462	161618965	-	BCAN_A1028	-	3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase
975	 53.56	0	975137..975487	+	116	161618966	dgkA	BCAN_A1029	-	diacylglycerol kinase
976	 57.02	0	975552..977231	+	559	161618967	nadE	BCAN_A1030	-	NAD synthetase
977	 57.21	0	977243..978616	+	457	161618968	gltX	BCAN_A1031	-	glutamyl-tRNA synthetase
978	 59.53	0	979430..981754	-	774	161618969	-	BCAN_A1032	-	malic enzyme
979	 57.49	0	981972..982952	-	326	161618970	-	BCAN_A1033	-	mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein
980	 55.70	0	983013..984188	+	391	161618971	-	BCAN_A1034	-	hypothetical protein
981	 56.41	0	984405..985262	+	285	161618972	-	BCAN_A1035	-	ABC transporter related
982	 55.62	0	985266..986261	+	331	161618973	-	BCAN_A1036	-	hypothetical protein
983	 55.72	0	986285..986887	+	200	161618974	-	BCAN_A1037	-	hypothetical protein
984	 59.63	0	987127..991800	-	1557	161618975	-	BCAN_A1038	-	hypothetical protein
985	 44.85	-2	992015..992179	+	54	161618976	-	BCAN_A1039	-	hypothetical protein
986	 60.49	0	992415..992738	+	107	161618977	-	BCAN_A1040	-	ferredoxin-6
987	 55.26	0	993036..993377	+	113	161618978	-	BCAN_A1041	-	FAD-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase
988	 57.17	0	993382..994002	-	206	161618979	-	BCAN_A1042	-	hypothetical protein
989	 57.98	0	994160..994999	+	279	161618980	folP	BCAN_A1043	-	dihydropteroate synthase
990	 53.06	0	995018..995377	+	119	161618981	folB	BCAN_A1044	-	dihydroneopterin aldolase
991	 59.36	0	995374..995907	+	177	161618982	folK	BCAN_A1045	-	2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase
992	 56.81	0	996022..996579	-	185	161618983	-	BCAN_A1046	-	hypothetical protein
993	 59.40	0	996831..997904	-	357	161618984	-	BCAN_A1047	-	hypothetical protein
994	 58.73	0	997901..999361	-	486	161618985	-	BCAN_A1048	-	protein of unknown function DUF463 YcjX family protein
995	 54.09	0	999454..999954	-	166	161618986	-	BCAN_A1049	-	phosphohistidine phosphatase, SixA
996	 52.04	-1	1000351..1000767	+	138	161618987	dksA	BCAN_A1050	-	RNA polymerase-binding protein DksA
997	 60.50	0	1000936..1002168	-	410	161618988	-	BCAN_A1051	-	basic proline-rich protein precursor
998	 58.58	0	1002535..1005231	+	898	161618989	-	BCAN_A1052	-	PAS domain-containing protein
999	 57.40	0	1005256..1006464	+	402	161618990	-	BCAN_A1053	-	hypothetical protein
1000	 55.63	0	1006495..1007817	+	440	161618991	-	BCAN_A1054	-	beta-lactamase
1001	 57.47	0	1009124..1012918	-	1264	161618992	-	BCAN_A1056	-	ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
1002	 46.67	-2	1012971..1013210	+	79	161618993	-	BCAN_A1057	-	hypothetical protein
1003	 59.51	0	1013620..1014108	-	162	161618994	-	BCAN_A1058	-	diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 3 beta
1004	 43.70	-2	1014205..1014339	-	44	161618995	-	BCAN_A1059	-	hypothetical protein
1005	 58.03	0	1014350..1014847	-	165	161618996	gpt	BCAN_A1060	-	xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
1006	 59.34	0	1015297..1016142	-	281	161618997	-	BCAN_A1061	-	UspA domain-containing protein
1007	 57.44	0	1016220..1016978	-	252	161618998	-	BCAN_A1062	-	molybdopterin binding domain-containing protein
1008	 59.17	0	1017139..1017738	+	199	161618999	wrbA	BCAN_A1063	-	TrpR binding protein WrbA
1009	 50.67	-1	1017716..1017865	-	49	161619000	-	BCAN_A1064	-	hypothetical protein
1010	 54.13	0	1018040..1019299	+	419	161619001	ilvA	BCAN_A1066	-	threonine dehydratase
1011	 62.19	+1	1019366..1020973	+	535	161619002	-	BCAN_A1067	-	DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain-containing protein
1012	 58.02	0	1021144..1022172	+	342	161619003	-	BCAN_A1068	-	cysteine synthase A
1013	 55.91	0	1022175..1022918	+	247	161619004	alaS	BCAN_A1069	-	alanyl-tRNA synthetase
1014	 58.13	0	1022945..1023799	+	284	161619005	-	BCAN_A1070	-	3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
1015	 55.36	0	1023801..1024322	+	173	161619006	-	BCAN_A1071	-	GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase
57.15	MEAN

4.17	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.