IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia turicatae 91E135

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 29.24 STD DEV: 3.53
Borrelia turicatae 91E135, complete genome - 1..917330
818 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
13	 22.97	-1	12177..12755	+	192	119952819	-	BT0013	-	hypothetical protein
14	 25.80	0	12748..14724	+	658	119952820	-	BT0014	-	primosomal protein N'
15	 29.79	0	14721..15341	-	206	119952821	-	BT0015	-	uridine kinase
16	 24.36	-1	15334..15723	-	129	119952822	-	BT0016	-	rhodanese-related sulfurtransferases
17	 30.03	0	15852..16820	+	322	119952823	-	BT0017	-	hypothetical membrane spanning protein
18	 27.83	0	16817..17797	-	326	119952824	-	BT0018	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase D
19	 24.90	-1	17798..18295	-	165	119952825	-	BT0019	-	hypothetical protein
20	 32.19	0	18300..19964	-	554	119952826	-	BT0020	-	pyrophosphate--fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase
21	 31.02	0	20033..21070	-	345	119952827	-	BT0021	-	putative S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase
22	 34.39	+1	21060..22103	-	347	119952828	-	BT0022	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase RuvB
23	 30.46	0	22158..22748	-	196	119952829	-	BT0023	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase RuvA
24	 29.63	0	22836..23321	-	161	119952830	-	BT0023A	-	crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC
25	 33.88	+1	23347..24081	-	244	119952831	-	BT0025	-	hypothetical cytosolic protein
26	 30.02	0	24082..24987	-	301	119952832	-	BT0026	-	methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase
27	 32.39	0	25147..25782	+	211	119952833	-	BT0027	-	hypothetical protein
28	 28.68	0	25789..26820	+	343	119952834	-	BT0028	-	hypothetical protein
29	 22.45	-1	26806..27237	-	143	119952835	-	BT0029	-	hypothetical cytosolic protein
30	 22.01	-2	27227..27862	-	211	119952836	-	BT0030	-	signal peptidase I
31	 28.13	0	27865..28845	-	326	119952837	-	BT0031	-	signal peptidase I
32	 26.33	0	29037..30506	+	489	119952838	-	BT0032	-	hypothetical protein
33	 24.67	-1	30509..30958	+	149	119952839	-	BT0033	-	SsrA-binding protein
34	 33.14	+1	31174..31698	-	174	119952840	-	BT0034	-	hypothetical protein
35	 27.98	0	31829..33715	-	628	119952841	-	BT0035	-	topoisomerase IV subunit A
36	 30.11	0	33715..35511	-	598	119952842	-	BT0036	-	DNA gyrase subunit B
37	 25.58	-1	35498..36271	-	257	119952843	-	BT0037	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
38	 26.58	0	36277..37728	-	483	119952844	-	BT0038	-	hypothetical protein
39	 27.98	0	37793..39286	-	497	119952845	-	BT0039	-	hypothetical protein
40	 25.95	0	39488..40327	+	279	119952846	-	BT0040	-	chemotaxis protein methyltransferase
41	 28.87	0	40375..41046	-	223	119952847	-	BT0042	-	phosphate transport system protein PhoU-like
42	 23.78	-1	41058..42083	-	341	119952848	-	BT0043	-	hypothetical protein
43	 24.03	-1	42080..42466	-	128	119952849	-	BT0044	-	hypothetical protein
44	 25.22	-1	42494..44959	-	821	119952850	-	BT0045	-	chromosome partition protein Smc
45	 28.78	0	45014..45562	+	182	119952851	-	BT0046	-	ribonuclease HII
46	 30.13	0	45571..45945	-	124	119952852	-	BT0047	-	hypothetical protein
47	 26.35	0	46726..47412	+	228	119952853	-	BT0050	-	hypothetical membrane associated protein
48	 24.56	-1	47464..48147	+	227	119952854	-	BT0051	-	transporter
49	 27.61	0	48134..48832	-	232	119952855	-	BT0052	-	tRNA (guanosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase
50	 28.72	0	48870..49541	+	223	119952856	-	BT0053	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
51	 26.72	0	49605..49967	-	120	119952857	-	BT0054	-	protein translocase subunit SecG
52	 35.29	+1	49979..50743	-	254	119952858	-	BT0055	-	triosephosphate isomerase
53	 35.20	+1	50745..51923	-	392	119952859	-	BT0056	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
54	 35.02	+1	51952..52959	-	335	119952860	-	BT0057	-	glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
55	 27.44	0	53033..55018	-	661	119952861	-	BT0058	-	tetratricopeptide repeat family protein
56	 29.49	0	55015..55794	-	259	119952862	-	BT0059	-	magnesium and cobalt efflux protein CorC
57	 28.41	0	55791..56237	-	148	119952863	-	BT0060	-	hypothetical metal-binding protein
58	 30.23	0	56326..56679	-	117	119952864	-	BT0061	-	thioredoxin
59	 26.14	0	56753..57475	+	240	119952865	-	BT0062	-	hypothetical protein
60	 29.78	0	57596..58636	-	346	119952866	-	BT0063	-	serine/threonine protein kinase
61	 30.43	0	58673..59602	-	309	119952867	-	BT0064	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
62	 30.72	0	59599..60096	-	165	119952868	-	BT0065	-	peptide deformylase
63	 27.83	0	60120..60809	-	229	119952869	-	BT0066	-	hypothetical protein
64	 30.75	0	60806..62584	-	592	119952870	-	BT0067	-	Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase
65	 27.16	0	62706..63596	+	296	119952871	-	BT0068	-	hydrolase (HAD superfamily)
66	 29.62	0	63610..64848	+	412	119952872	-	BT0069	-	aminopeptidase
67	 30.56	0	64866..65333	+	155	119952873	-	BT0070	-	hypothetical membrane spanning protein
68	 24.01	-1	65356..66825	+	489	119952874	-	BT0071	-	hypothetical protein
69	 24.53	-1	66822..69128	+	768	119952875	-	BT0072	-	hypothetical protein
70	 21.40	-2	69132..69701	+	189	119952876	-	BT0073	-	hypothetical protein
71	 31.17	0	69717..70778	+	353	119952877	-	BT0074	-	bacterial peptide chain release factor 2
72	 25.66	-1	70760..72166	+	468	119952878	-	BT0075	-	hypothetical protein
73	 27.25	0	72208..73062	+	284	119952879	-	BT0076	-	cell division protein FtsY
74	 22.32	-1	73059..74093	+	344	119952880	-	BT0077	-	hypothetical protein
75	 24.04	-1	74105..75352	+	415	119952881	-	BT0078	-	cell division protein FtsX
76	 27.17	0	75353..76033	+	226	119952882	-	BT0080	-	lipoprotein releasing system ATP-binding protein LolD
77	 22.78	-1	76030..77280	+	416	119952883	-	BT0081	-	lipoprotein releasing system transmembrane protein LolE
78	 28.50	0	77310..78593	-	427	119952884	-	BT0082	-	hypothetical protein
79	 27.36	0	78586..78903	-	105	119952885	-	BT0083	-	hypothetical protein
80	 28.29	0	79100..80368	+	422	119952886	-	BT0084	-	cysteine desulfhydrase
81	 23.46	-1	80539..80943	+	134	119952887	-	BT0085	-	NifU-like protein
82	 31.57	0	80966..82495	+	509	119952888	-	BT0086	-	magnesium chelatase subunit ChlI-related ATPase
83	 31.02	0	82518..83468	-	316	119952889	-	BT0087	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase
84	 32.23	0	83651..85456	-	601	119952890	-	BT0088	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
85	 26.33	0	85497..86510	-	337	119952891	-	BT0089	-	tetratricopeptide repeat family protein
86	 39.54	+2	86547..86981	-	144	119952892	-	BT0090	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase subunit K
87	 30.04	0	87003..88823	-	606	119952893	-	BT0091	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase subunit I
88	 31.08	0	88834..89454	-	206	119952894	-	BT0092	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase subunit D
89	 35.33	+1	89433..90734	-	433	119952895	-	BT0093	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase subunit B
90	 36.28	+1	90744..92474	-	576	119952896	-	BT0094	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase alpha chain
91	 28.75	0	92486..93031	-	181	119952897	-	BT0095	-	hypothetical protein
92	 30.32	0	93042..93638	-	198	119952898	-	BT0096	-	V-type sodium ATP synthase subunit E
93	 31.06	0	93749..94144	-	131	119952899	-	BT0097	-	hypothetical protein
94	 27.74	0	94145..96505	-	786	119952900	-	BT0098	-	DNA mismatch repair protein MutS
95	 29.62	0	96453..97394	-	313	119952901	-	BT0099	-	GTPase
96	 27.58	0	97391..98155	-	254	119952902	-	BT0100	-	glutamate racemase
97	 30.74	0	98298..99683	+	461	119952903	-	BT0101	-	asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
98	 22.80	-1	99707..100285	+	192	119952904	-	BT0102	-	hypothetical protein
99	 26.90	0	100282..100872	-	196	119952905	-	BT0103	-	phosphoribosyltransferase
100	 32.99	+1	101226..102683	-	485	119952906	-	BT0104	-	protease Do
101	 33.33	+1	102727..103479	-	250	119952907	-	BT0105	-	methionine aminopeptidase
102	 26.74	0	103484..105136	-	550	119952908	-	BT0106	-	hypothetical protein
103	 27.21	0	105123..105563	-	146	119952909	-	BT0107	-	N utilization substance protein B
104	 30.82	0	105583..106617	-	344	119952910	-	BT0108	-	basic membrane protein
105	 34.00	+1	106688..107893	-	401	119952911	-	BT0109	-	acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
106	 25.88	0	108057..109412	+	451	119952912	-	BT0110	-	hypothetical protein
107	 32.32	0	109514..110899	-	461	119952913	-	BT0111	-	replicative DNA helicase
108	 27.31	0	110916..111413	-	165	119952914	-	BT0112	-	LSU ribosomal protein L9P
109	 32.65	0	111420..111713	-	97	119952915	-	BT0113	-	SSU ribosomal protein S18P
110	 34.25	+1	111726..112163	-	145	119952916	-	BT0114	-	single-strand DNA binding protein
111	 27.61	0	112175..112576	-	133	119952917	-	BT0115	-	SSU ribosomal protein S6P
112	 31.23	0	112908..114617	-	569	119952918	-	BT0116	-	PTS system, glucose-specific IIABC component
29.24	MEAN

3.53	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.