IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia recurrentis A1

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 27.65 STD DEV: 3.61
Borrelia recurrentis A1, complete genome - 1..930981
800 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
12	 25.38	0	23080..23469	+	129	203287483	-	BRE_15	-	holo-acyl-carrier protein synthase
13	 27.33	0	23473..24321	+	282	203287484	-	BRE_16	-	hypothetical protein
14	 25.47	0	24322..25059	+	245	203287485	hisT	BRE_17	-	pseudouridylate synthase I
15	 20.88	-1	25052..25621	+	189	203287486	-	BRE_18	-	hypothetical protein
16	 24.94	0	25614..27590	+	658	203287487	priA	BRE_19	-	primosomal protein N
17	 28.50	0	27587..28207	-	206	203287488	udk	BRE_20	-	uridine kinase
18	 24.10	0	28200..28589	-	129	203287489	glpE	BRE_21	-	GlpE protein (GlpE)
19	 28.36	0	28718..29683	+	321	203287490	-	BRE_22	-	hypothetical protein
20	 25.18	0	29680..30660	-	326	203287491	-	BRE_23	-	ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase D
21	 22.68	-1	30661..31167	-	168	203287492	-	BRE_24	-	hypothetical protein
22	 30.21	0	31175..32839	-	554	203287493	pfpB	BRE_25	-	pyrophosphate--fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase,beta subunit
23	 29.27	0	32909..33967	-	352	203287494	queA	BRE_26	-	S-adenosylmethionine-tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (queuine synthetase)
24	 32.55	+1	33951..34973	-	340	203287495	ruvB	BRE_27	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase
25	 26.57	0	35026..35616	-	196	203287496	ruvA	BRE_28	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase
26	 33.20	+1	35699..36430	-	243	203287497	-	BRE_29	-	hypothetical protein
27	 30.79	0	36431..37372	-	313	203287498	folD	BRE_30	-	methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
28	 29.40	0	37501..38136	+	211	203287499	-	BRE_31	-	hypothetical protein
29	 26.45	0	38144..39175	+	343	203287500	-	BRE_32	-	hypothetical protein
30	 20.60	-1	39161..39592	-	143	203287501	-	BRE_33	-	hypothetical protein
31	 21.38	-1	39582..40217	-	211	203287502	lepB-1	BRE_34	-	signal peptidase I
32	 28.54	0	40218..41198	-	326	203287503	lepB-2	BRE_35	-	signal peptidase I
33	 24.17	0	41400..42872	+	490	203287504	-	BRE_36	-	hypothetical protein
34	 24.44	0	42875..43324	+	149	203287505	smpB	BRE_37	-	SsrA-binding protein
35	 29.19	0	43481..44083	-	200	203287506	-	BRE_38	-	hypothetical protein
36	 26.80	0	44104..45987	-	627	203287507	parC	BRE_39	-	DNA topoisomerase IV
37	 28.16	0	45987..47783	-	598	203287508	parE	BRE_40	-	DNA topoisomerase IV
38	 25.76	0	47795..48547	-	250	203287509	plsC	BRE_41	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
39	 24.91	0	48555..50015	-	486	203287510	-	BRE_42	-	putative lipoprotein
40	 25.71	0	50078..51586	-	502	203287511	-	BRE_43	-	hypothetical protein
41	 23.25	-1	51775..52647	+	290	203287512	cheR-1	BRE_44	-	chemotaxis protein methyltransferase
42	 25.81	0	52681..53358	-	225	203287513	phoU	BRE_45	-	phosphate transport system regulatory protein
43	 22.67	-1	53365..54414	-	349	203287514	-	BRE_46	-	hypothetical protein
44	 22.48	-1	54411..54797	-	128	203287515	-	BRE_47	-	hypothetical protein
45	 24.29	0	54825..57290	-	821	203287516	-	BRE_48	-	P115 protein
46	 29.67	0	57348..57893	+	181	203287517	rnhB	BRE_49	-	ribonuclease H
47	 27.89	0	57974..58267	-	97	203287518	-	BRE_50	-	hypothetical protein
48	 25.46	0	58999..59709	+	236	203287519	-	BRE_53	-	hypothetical protein
49	 25.00	0	59754..60449	+	231	203287520	-	BRE_54	-	hypothetical protein
50	 28.01	0	60424..61080	-	218	203287521	spoU	BRE_55	-	spoU protein
51	 29.02	0	61174..61845	+	223	203287522	ung	BRE_56	-	uracil DNA glycosylase
52	 27.82	0	61903..62265	-	120	203287523	-	BRE_57	-	preprotein translocase SecG subunit
53	 33.07	+1	62271..63035	-	254	203287524	tpi	BRE_58	-	triosephosphate isomerase (TIM)
54	 35.20	+2	63037..64215	-	392	203287525	pgk	BRE_59	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
55	 35.12	+2	64245..65252	-	335	203287526	gap	BRE_60	-	glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
56	 27.14	0	65325..67310	-	661	203287527	-	BRE_61	-	hypothetical protein
57	 27.44	0	67307..68086	-	259	203287528	tlyC	BRE_62	-	hemolysin
58	 28.86	0	68083..68529	-	148	203287529	-	BRE_63	-	hypothetical protein
59	 30.23	0	68616..68969	-	117	203287530	trxA	BRE_64	-	thioredoxin
60	 24.44	0	69047..69766	+	239	203287531	-	BRE_65	-	hypothetical protein
61	 28.31	0	69840..70895	-	351	203287532	-	BRE_66	-	hypothetical protein
62	 30.00	0	70923..71852	-	309	203287533	fmt	BRE_67	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
63	 29.12	0	71849..72346	-	165	203287534	def	BRE_68	-	polypeptide deformylase
64	 22.70	-1	72374..73069	-	231	203287535	-	BRE_69	-	hypothetical protein
65	 28.27	0	73066..74844	-	592	203287536	-	BRE_70	-	peptidase, putative
66	 27.18	0	74968..75861	+	297	203287537	-	BRE_71	-	hypothetical protein
67	 28.81	0	75875..77113	+	412	203287538	-	BRE_72	-	aminopeptidase II
68	 27.43	0	77138..77611	+	157	203287539	-	BRE_73	-	hypothetical protein
69	 22.29	-1	77639..79105	+	488	203287540	-	BRE_74	-	hypothetical protein
70	 22.28	-1	79105..81420	+	771	203287541	-	BRE_75	-	hypothetical protein
71	 19.37	-2	81417..81989	+	190	203287542	-	BRE_76	-	hypothetical protein
72	 27.97	0	82023..83066	+	347	203287543	prfB	BRE_77	-	peptide chain release factor RF-2
73	 23.48	-1	83048..84457	+	469	203287544	-	BRE_78	-	hypothetical protein
74	 27.07	0	84509..85354	+	281	203287545	ftsY	BRE_79	-	signal recognition particle-docking protein
75	 20.36	-2	85351..86406	+	351	203287546	-	BRE_80	-	hypothetical protein
76	 23.82	-1	86393..87643	+	416	203287547	-	BRE_81	-	lipoprotein releasing system, permease protein, putative
77	 26.23	0	87644..88333	+	229	203287548	-	BRE_82	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
78	 22.94	-1	88330..89580	+	416	203287549	-	BRE_83	-	ABC transporter, permease protein
79	 25.56	0	89601..90887	-	428	203287550	-	BRE_84	-	hypothetical protein
80	 26.42	0	90880..91197	-	105	203287551	-	BRE_85	-	hypothetical protein
81	 24.98	0	91362..92630	+	422	203287552	nifS	BRE_86	-	nifS protein
82	 22.73	-1	92776..93171	+	131	203287553	-	BRE_87	-	hypothetical protein
83	 28.73	0	93126..94733	+	535	203287554	-	BRE_88	-	magnesium chelatase family protein
84	 31.05	0	94756..95718	-	320	203287555	ldh	BRE_89	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase
85	 31.47	+1	95896..97563	-	555	203287556	lepA	BRE_90	-	GTP-binding membrane protein
86	 24.38	0	97742..98746	-	334	203287557	-	BRE_91	-	hypothetical protein
87	 38.16	+2	98783..99217	-	144	203287558	atpK	BRE_92	-	V-type ATPase, subunit K
88	 28.16	0	99237..101072	-	611	203287559	atpI	BRE_93	-	V-type ATPase, subunit I
89	 28.31	0	101077..101673	-	198	203287560	atpD	BRE_94	-	V-type ATPase, subunit D
90	 35.40	+2	101676..102983	-	435	203287561	atpB	BRE_95	-	V-type ATPase, subunit B
91	 34.66	+1	102987..104717	-	576	203287562	atpA	BRE_96	-	V-type ATPase, subunit A
92	 25.46	0	104728..105273	-	181	203287563	-	BRE_97	-	uncharacterized conserved motif-containing protein
93	 27.47	0	105283..105879	-	198	203287564	atpE	BRE_98	-	V-type ATPase, subunit E
94	 28.54	0	105986..106381	-	131	203287565	-	BRE_99	-	hypothetical protein
95	 28.03	0	108689..109630	-	313	203287566	-	BRE_101	-	hypothetical protein
96	 23.27	-1	109627..110391	-	254	203287567	murI	BRE_102	-	glutamate racemase
97	 29.08	0	110510..111895	+	461	203287568	asnS	BRE_103	-	asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
98	 19.67	-2	111923..112471	+	182	203287569	-	BRE_104	-	hypothetical protein
99	 27.41	0	112474..113064	-	196	203287570	-	BRE_105	-	hypothetical protein
100	 32.03	+1	113414..114871	-	485	203287571	htrA	BRE_106	-	periplasmic serine protease DO
101	 31.08	0	114912..115664	-	250	203287572	map	BRE_107	-	methionine aminopeptidase
102	 25.82	0	115669..117318	-	549	203287573	-	BRE_108	-	hypothetical protein
103	 27.44	0	117305..117745	-	146	203287574	nusB	BRE_109	-	N-utilization substance protein B
104	 30.07	0	117764..118774	-	336	203287575	-	BRE_110	-	basic membrane protein
105	 32.50	+1	118865..120058	-	397	203287576	fadA	BRE_111	-	acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase
106	 24.56	0	120249..121604	+	451	203287577	-	BRE_112	-	hypothetical protein
107	 31.11	0	121645..123039	-	464	203287578	dnaB	BRE_113	-	replicative DNA helicase
108	 27.27	0	123058..123552	-	164	203287579	rplI	BRE_114	-	50S ribosomal protein L9
109	 29.21	0	123566..123856	-	96	203287580	rpsR	BRE_115	-	30S ribosomal protein S18
110	 32.65	+1	123869..124309	-	146	203287581	ssb	BRE_116	-	single-stranded DNA-binding protein
111	 28.15	0	124321..124725	-	134	203287582	rpsF	BRE_117	-	30S ribosomal protein S6
27.65	MEAN

3.61	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.