IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia recurrentis A1

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 27.65 STD DEV: 3.61
Borrelia recurrentis A1, complete genome - 1..930981
800 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
402	 27.04	0	467457..467774	+	105	203287873	-	BRE_430	-	hypothetical protein
403	 28.46	0	467781..468170	-	129	203287874	-	BRE_431	-	hypothetical protein
404	 23.66	-1	468284..468862	+	192	203287875	pepQ	BRE_432	-	proline dipeptidase (PepQ)
405	 26.18	0	469469..470251	-	260	203287876	spo0J	BRE_434	-	stage 0 sporulation protein J
406	 31.78	+1	470388..472835	-	815	203287877	gyrA	BRE_435	-	DNA gyrase, subunit A
407	 31.67	+1	472832..474751	-	639	203287878	gyrB	BRE_436	-	DNA gyrase, subunit B
408	 26.32	0	474985..476439	+	484	203287879	dnaA	BRE_437	-	chromosomal replication initiator protein
409	 28.51	0	476703..477863	+	386	203287880	dnaN	BRE_438	-	DNA polymerase III, subunit beta
410	 25.94	0	477884..478951	+	355	203287881	recF	BRE_439	-	DNA replication and repair protein RecF
411	 23.33	-1	478932..479231	+	99	203287882	-	BRE_440	-	hypothetical protein
412	 32.05	+1	479326..479481	+	51	203287883	rpmH	BRE_441	-	50S ribosomal protein L34
413	 26.09	0	479462..479806	+	114	203287884	rnpA	BRE_442	-	ribonuclease P protein component
414	 26.43	0	479803..481440	+	545	203287885	-	BRE_443	-	60 kDa inner-membrane protein
415	 27.94	0	481437..482159	+	240	203287886	jag	BRE_444	-	spoIIIJ-associated protein
416	 28.71	0	482216..483274	+	352	203287887	-	BRE_445	-	nucleotide sugar epimerase
417	 32.69	+1	483413..484492	+	359	203287888	fba	BRE_446	-	fructose-bisphosphate aldolase
418	 25.93	0	484724..485155	+	143	203287889	-	BRE_447	-	heat shock protein, HSP20 family
419	 27.17	0	485200..486951	-	583	203287890	aspS	BRE_448	-	aspartyl-tRNA synthetase
420	 27.11	0	486955..489075	-	706	203287891	napA_1	BRE_449	-	Na+ /H+ antiporter
421	 28.32	0	489072..489350	-	92	203287892	ptsH-1	BRE_450	-	phosphocarrier protein HPr
422	 25.32	0	489365..489676	-	103	203287893	-	BRE_451	-	hypothetical protein
423	 24.18	0	489651..490907	-	418	203287894	ntrA	BRE_452	-	RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor
424	 26.40	0	490910..491443	-	177	203287895	-	BRE_453	-	chromate transport protein, putative
425	 22.44	-1	491409..492023	-	204	203287896	-	BRE_454	-	Chromate transport protein, putative
426	 26.65	0	492147..493088	+	313	203287897	-	BRE_455	-	hypothetical protein
427	 25.79	0	493072..494238	-	388	203287898	-	BRE_456	-	lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis-related protein
428	 24.29	0	494306..495289	+	327	203287899	-	BRE_457	-	DNA polymerase III delta subunit
429	 24.71	0	495293..497101	-	602	203287900	uvrC	BRE_458	-	excinuclease ABC, subunit C
430	 28.19	0	497212..498729	+	505	203287901	-	BRE_459	-	hypothetical protein
431	 25.42	0	498665..500029	+	454	203287902	-	BRE_460	-	hypothetical protein
432	 25.00	0	500352..501083	-	243	203287903	-	BRE_463	-	putative lipoprotein
433	 29.44	0	501628..503295	+	555	203287904	dnaX	BRE_466	-	DNA polymerase III, gamma and tau subunits
434	 25.00	0	503298..503597	+	99	203287905	-	BRE_467	-	hypothetical protein
435	 29.40	0	503601..504185	+	194	203287906	recR	BRE_468	-	recombination protein RecR
436	 31.10	0	504437..505018	+	193	203287907	ndk	BRE_469	-	nucleoside-diphosphate kinase
437	 23.88	-1	505022..505846	+	274	203287908	-	BRE_470	-	putative adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase
438	 27.19	0	506060..506596	+	178	203287909	-	BRE_471	-	hypothetical protein
439	 28.88	0	506593..507288	+	231	203287910	-	BRE_472	-	hypothetical protein
440	 32.73	+1	507224..508057	+	277	203287911	-	BRE_473	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
441	 24.49	0	508054..508743	+	229	203287912	-	BRE_474	-	hypothetical protein
442	 28.38	0	508745..509491	+	248	203287913	-	BRE_475	-	hypothetical protein
443	 25.73	0	509501..510013	+	170	203287914	lsp	BRE_476	-	signal peptidase II
444	 17.78	-2	510010..510234	+	74	203287915	-	BRE_477	-	hypothetical protein
445	 28.94	0	510249..511067	+	272	203287916	-	BRE_478	-	hypothetical protein
446	 33.96	+1	511126..512406	+	426	203287917	murA	BRE_479	-	UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase
447	 28.62	0	512643..514001	+	452	203287918	-	BRE_480	-	hypothetical protein
448	 21.91	-1	514148..514471	-	107	203287919	-	BRE_481	-	hypothetical protein
449	 35.70	+2	514819..516003	+	394	203287920	tuf	BRE_482	-	translation elongation factor TU
450	 34.62	+1	516049..516360	+	103	203287921	rpsJ	BRE_483	-	30S ribosomal protein S10
451	 35.56	+2	516394..517023	+	209	203287922	rplC	BRE_484	-	50S ribosomal protein L3
452	 31.75	+1	517025..517654	+	209	203287923	rplD	BRE_485	-	50S ribosomal protein L4
453	 28.28	0	517676..517972	+	98	203287924	rplW	BRE_486	-	50S ribosomal protein L23
454	 38.13	+2	517991..518824	+	277	203287925	rplB	BRE_487	-	50S ribosomal protein L2
455	 34.41	+1	518834..519112	+	92	203287926	rpsS	BRE_488	-	30S ribosomal protein S19
456	 34.44	+1	519119..519481	+	120	203287927	rplV	BRE_489	-	50S ribosomal protein L22
457	 29.72	0	519485..520315	+	276	203287928	rpsC	BRE_490	-	30S ribosomal protein S3
458	 39.09	+2	520334..520750	+	138	203287929	rplP	BRE_491	-	50S ribosomal protein L16
459	 28.86	0	520754..520954	+	66	203287930	rpmC	BRE_492	-	50S ribosomal protein L29
460	 32.94	+1	520960..521214	+	84	203287931	rpsQ	BRE_493	-	30S ribosomal protein S17
461	 37.94	+2	521262..521630	+	122	203287932	rplN	BRE_494	-	50S ribosomal protein L14
462	 29.08	0	521641..521946	+	101	203287933	rplX	BRE_495	-	50S ribosomal protein L24
463	 31.69	+1	521950..522498	+	182	203287934	rplE	BRE_496	-	50S ribosomal protein L5
464	 35.48	+2	522513..522698	+	61	203287935	rpsN	BRE_497	-	30S ribosomal protein S14
465	 30.83	0	522708..523106	+	132	203287936	rpsH	BRE_498	-	30S ribosomal protein S8
466	 31.68	+1	523126..523668	+	180	203287937	rplF	BRE_499	-	50S ribosomal protein L6
467	 30.28	0	523686..524045	+	119	203287938	rplR	BRE_500	-	50S ribosomal protein L18
468	 34.34	+1	524057..524551	+	164	203287939	rpsE	BRE_501	-	30S ribosomal protein S5
469	 28.53	0	524555..524866	+	103	203287940	rpmD	BRE_502	-	50S ribosomal protein L30
470	 32.19	+1	524859..525296	+	145	203287941	rplO	BRE_503	-	50S ribosomal protein L15
471	 28.89	0	525309..526613	+	434	203287942	secY	BRE_504	-	preprotein translocase SecY subunit
472	 25.44	0	526623..526736	+	37	203287943	rpmJ	BRE_505	-	50S ribosomal protein L36
473	 33.60	+1	526746..527123	+	125	203287944	rpsM	BRE_506	-	30S ribosomal protein S13
474	 36.92	+2	527154..527543	+	129	203287945	rpsK	BRE_507	-	30S ribosomal protein S11
475	 29.65	0	527559..528590	+	343	203287946	rpoA	BRE_508	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase
476	 30.91	0	528609..528980	+	123	203287947	rplQ	BRE_509	-	50S ribosomal protein L17
477	 32.68	+1	529055..530596	+	513	203287948	-	BRE_510	-	hypothetical protein
478	 31.49	+1	530565..531377	+	270	203287949	-	BRE_511	-	hypothetical protein
479	 27.02	0	531358..532149	+	263	203287950	tlyA	BRE_512	-	hemolysin
480	 25.26	0	532146..532925	-	259	203287951	-	BRE_513	-	hypothetical protein
481	 26.98	0	532981..534303	+	440	203287952	-	BRE_514	-	GTP-binding protein
482	 26.87	0	534300..535553	+	417	203287953	-	BRE_515	-	hypothetical protein
483	 25.18	0	535559..536245	+	228	203287954	-	BRE_516	-	putative hydrolase
484	 25.89	0	536264..543250	+	2328	203287955	-	BRE_517	-	p-512 protein
485	 31.52	+1	543261..544808	+	515	203287956	pheS	BRE_518	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain
486	 28.20	0	544801..546495	+	564	203287957	pheT	BRE_519	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain
487	 31.19	0	546584..547561	+	325	203287958	trxB	BRE_520	-	thioredoxin reductase
488	 25.85	0	547590..548324	-	244	203287959	yacO	BRE_521	-	rRNA methylase
489	 30.34	0	548326..549426	-	366	203287960	dnaJ-1	BRE_522	-	heat shock protein
490	 34.18	+1	549426..551324	-	632	203287961	dnaK-2	BRE_523	-	heat shock protein 70
491	 25.87	0	551368..551916	-	182	203287962	grpE	BRE_524	-	chaperone protein GrpE
492	 28.81	0	552280..553848	+	522	203287963	-	BRE_525	-	NH(3)-dependent NAD synthetase
493	 26.04	0	553835..555424	+	529	203287964	-	BRE_526	-	Response regulator receiver (CheY) modulated Serine phosphatase
494	 23.25	-1	555576..556031	-	151	203287965	-	BRE_527	-	hypothetical protein
495	 23.44	-1	556139..557947	+	602	203287966	-	BRE_528	-	hypothetical protein
496	 26.54	0	557937..558731	+	264	203287967	-	BRE_529	-	pantothenate kinase
497	 24.43	0	558709..559539	-	276	203287968	-	BRE_530	-	hypothetical protein
498	 28.10	0	559520..560131	-	203	203287969	-	BRE_531	-	hypothetical protein
499	 23.02	-1	560134..561423	-	429	203287970	-	BRE_532	-	hypothetical protein
500	 28.72	0	561584..562342	+	252	203287971	phnP	BRE_533	-	phnP protein
501	 28.63	0	562354..563118	+	254	203287972	exoA	BRE_534	-	exodeoxyribonuclease III
27.65	MEAN

3.61	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.