IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia burgdorferi B31

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 28.42 STD DEV: 3.85
Borrelia burgdorferi B31, complete genome - 1..910724
851 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
744	 29.86	0	786860..788962	+	700	15595089	-	BB0744	-	antigen, p83/100
745	 25.26	0	789270..789938	+	222	15595090	-	BB0745	-	endonuclease III (nth)
746	 26.95	0	789947..790807	-	286	15595091	-	BB0746	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein (oppC-2)
747	 25.38	0	790807..791787	-	326	15595092	-	BB0747	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein (oppB-2)
748	 26.14	0	791794..792252	-	152	15595093	-	BB0748	-	hypothetical protein
749	 29.85	0	792333..793625	+	430	15595094	-	BB0749	-	hypothetical protein
750	 17.36	-2	793693..793836	+	47	15595095	-	BB0750	-	hypothetical protein
751	 25.42	0	793842..794915	-	357	15595096	-	BB0751	-	hypothetical protein
752	 27.50	0	794875..796383	-	502	15595097	-	BB0752	-	hypothetical protein
753	 29.12	0	796388..797122	-	244	15595098	-	BB0753	-	membrane spanning protein, putative
754	 27.96	0	797119..798048	-	309	15595099	-	BB0754	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
755	 29.90	0	798057..799016	-	319	15595100	-	BB0755	-	ribonuclease Z
756	 27.43	0	799208..800275	-	355	15595101	-	BB0756	-	hypothetical protein
757	 32.85	+1	800452..801072	+	206	15595102	clpP	BB0757	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit
758	 24.39	-1	800996..801778	+	260	15595103	-	BB0758	-	hypothetical protein
759	 25.52	0	801941..802798	-	285	15595104	-	BB0759	-	hypothetical protein
760	 30.13	0	802838..803212	-	124	15595105	-	BB0760	-	hypothetical protein
761	 28.04	0	803278..804165	+	295	15595106	-	BB0761	-	hypothetical protein
762	 18.42	-2	804240..804353	-	37	15595107	-	BB0762	-	hypothetical protein
763	 29.37	0	804417..805778	-	453	15595108	-	BB0763	-	response regulatory protein (rrp-2)
764	 25.50	0	805775..806923	-	382	15595109	-	BB0764	-	sensory transduction histidine kinase, putative
765	 23.69	-1	806920..807966	-	348	15595110	-	BB0765	-	hypothetical protein
766	 26.58	0	807976..808464	-	162	15595111	-	BB0766	-	colicin V production protein, putative
767	 28.21	0	808461..809552	-	363	15595112	-	BB0767	-	UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase (murG)
768	 29.31	0	809701..810495	-	264	15595113	-	BB0768	-	pyridoxal kinase (pdxK)
769	 32.28	+1	810470..811510	-	346	15595114	-	BB0769	-	O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
770	 26.30	0	811507..812388	-	293	15595115	-	BB0770	-	hypothetical protein
771	 27.97	0	812439..813239	-	266	15595116	-	BB0771	-	RNA polymerase sigma factor (rpoS)
772	 25.60	0	813690..814697	-	335	15595117	flgI	BB0772	-	flagellar basal body P-ring protein
773	 21.84	-1	814868..815302	-	144	15595118	-	BB0773	-	hypothetical protein
774	 35.59	+1	815502..816299	-	265	15595119	flgG	BB0774	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgG
775	 32.56	+1	816312..817214	-	300	15595120	-	BB0775	-	flagellar hook-basal body complex protein (flhO)
776	 30.32	0	817393..817956	+	187	15595121	-	BB0776	-	hypothetical protein
777	 32.96	+1	818018..818548	+	176	15595122	-	BB0777	-	adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
778	 29.17	0	818605..818916	+	103	15595123	rplU	BB0778	-	50S ribosomal protein L21
779	 27.41	0	818922..819242	+	106	15595124	-	BB0779	-	hypothetical protein
780	 35.37	+1	819242..819487	+	81	15595125	rpmA	BB0780	-	50S ribosomal protein L27
781	 33.84	+1	819542..820528	+	328	15595126	obgE	BB0781	-	GTPase ObgE
782	 27.21	0	820568..821188	+	206	15595127	-	BB0782	-	hypothetical protein
783	 24.39	-1	821185..822369	+	394	15595128	-	BB0783	-	hypothetical protein
784	 26.39	0	822335..822694	+	119	15595129	-	BB0784	-	hypothetical protein
785	 30.61	0	822810..823103	+	97	15595130	-	BB0785	-	regulatory protein SpoVG
786	 34.43	+1	823263..823811	+	182	161511075	-	BB0786	-	50S ribosomal protein L25/general stress protein Ctc
787	 30.69	0	823816..824382	+	188	15595132	-	BB0787	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
788	 25.93	0	824382..825704	+	440	15595133	-	BB0788	-	hypothetical protein
789	 35.94	+1	825701..827620	+	639	15595134	-	BB0789	-	cell division protein (ftsH)
790	 23.45	-1	827625..829112	+	495	15595135	-	BB0790	-	hypothetical protein
791	 27.63	0	829218..830321	+	367	15595136	-	BB0791	-	thymidine kinase (tdk)
792	 25.32	0	830318..830941	-	207	15595137	-	BB0792	-	hypothetical protein
793	 24.16	-1	830955..831728	-	257	15595138	-	BB0793	-	thymidylate kinase (tmk)
794	 25.97	0	831646..836043	+	1465	15595139	-	BB0794	-	hypothetical protein
795	 29.40	0	836061..838526	+	821	15595140	-	BB0795	-	outer membrane protein
796	 24.91	0	838523..839080	+	185	15595141	-	BB0796	-	hypothetical protein
797	 28.08	0	839244..841832	+	862	15595142	-	BB0797	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
798	 25.24	0	841834..842451	+	205	15595143	-	BB0798	-	competence protein F, putative
799	 22.29	-1	842501..842989	+	162	15595144	-	BB0799	-	hypothetical protein
800	 31.54	0	843003..844451	+	482	15595145	nusA	BB0800	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
801	 34.47	+1	844454..847102	+	882	15595146	infB	BB0801	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
802	 26.82	0	847105..847488	+	127	15595147	-	BB0802	-	ribosome-binding factor A (rbfA)
803	 27.44	0	847491..848339	+	282	15595148	-	BB0803	-	tRNA pseudouridine 55 synthase (truB)
804	 29.21	0	848538..848804	+	88	15595149	rpsO	BB0804	-	30S ribosomal protein S15
805	 35.41	+1	848819..850987	+	722	15595150	-	BB0805	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
806	 25.51	0	850994..852514	+	506	15595151	-	BB0806	-	hypothetical protein
807	 23.80	-1	852489..853778	+	429	15595152	-	BB0807	-	hypothetical protein
808	 27.43	0	853775..854842	+	355	15595153	-	BB0808	-	hypothetical protein
809	 31.38	0	854869..855996	+	375	15595154	-	BB0809	-	tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (tgt)
810	 27.10	0	855971..857509	+	512	15595155	-	BB0810	-	virulence factor mviN protein (mviN) (SP:P37169)
811	 29.29	0	857506..858915	+	469	15595156	-	BB0811	-	hypothetical protein
812	 27.37	0	858939..860111	-	390	15595157	-	BB0812	-	pantothenate metabolism flavoprotein (dfp)
813	 24.86	0	860186..860362	+	58	15595158	-	BB0813	-	hypothetical protein
814	 25.84	0	860440..861774	+	444	15595159	panF	BB0814	-	sodium/panthothenate symporter
815	 26.96	0	861784..862677	+	297	15595160	-	BB0815	-	hypothetical protein
816	 28.50	0	862696..863646	+	316	15595161	-	BB0816	-	hypothetical protein
817	 26.72	0	863636..865042	+	468	15595162	murC	BB0817	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase
818	 28.26	0	865053..865919	+	288	15595163	-	BB0818	-	hypothetical protein
819	 29.28	0	865916..866458	+	180	15595164	-	BB0819	-	cytidylate kinase
820	 28.86	0	866494..866694	+	66	15595165	-	BB0820	-	hypothetical protein
821	 27.04	0	866681..867601	+	306	15595166	-	BB0821	-	2-methylthio-N6-isopentyladenosine tRNA modification enzyme (miaA)
822	 23.96	-1	867605..867700	+	31	15595167	-	BB0822	-	hypothetical protein
823	 27.96	0	867743..868114	-	123	15595168	-	BB0823	-	hypothetical protein
824	 29.71	0	868189..868740	+	183	15595169	-	BB0824	-	hypothetical protein
825	 29.76	0	868733..869515	-	260	15595170	-	BB0825	-	hypothetical protein
826	 16.67	-2	869508..870023	-	171	15595171	-	BB0826	-	hypothetical protein
827	 28.11	0	870112..872583	-	823	15595172	-	BB0827	-	ATP-dependent helicase (hrpA)
828	 28.62	0	872586..875132	-	848	15595173	-	BB0828	-	DNA topoisomerase I (topA)
829	 28.42	0	875207..876448	+	413	15595174	-	BB0829	-	exonuclease SbcD (sbcD)
830	 26.01	0	876429..879281	+	950	15595175	-	BB0830	-	exonuclease SbcC (sbcC)
831	 30.70	0	879303..880250	+	315	15595176	-	BB0831	-	xylose operon regulatory protein (xylR-2)
832	 28.36	0	880267..881091	-	274	15595177	-	BB0832	-	hypothetical protein
833	 29.66	0	881085..884213	-	1042	15595178	ileS	BB0833	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
834	 27.07	0	884228..886447	-	739	15595179	-	BB0834	-	ATP-dependent Clp protease, subunit C (clpC)
835	 27.38	0	886470..888182	-	570	15595180	-	BB0835	-	phosphomannomutase (cpsG)
836	 30.96	0	888297..890318	+	673	15595181	-	BB0836	-	excinuclease ABC subunit B
837	 32.04	0	890322..893174	+	950	15595182	-	BB0837	-	excinuclease ABC, subunit A (uvrA)
838	 26.42	0	893129..896569	+	1146	15595183	-	BB0838	-	hypothetical protein
839	 27.60	0	897096..897740	-	214	15595184	-	BB0839	-	hypothetical protein
840	 26.10	0	897704..899320	-	538	15595185	-	BB0840	-	hypothetical protein
841	 30.82	0	899499..900731	+	410	15595186	-	BB0841	-	arginine deiminase (arcA)
842	 34.55	+1	900796..901782	+	328	15595187	-	BB0842	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase, catabolic (arcB)
843	 33.20	+1	901810..903258	+	482	15595188	-	BB0843	-	hypothetical protein
28.42	MEAN

3.85	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.