IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia burgdorferi B31

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 28.42 STD DEV: 3.85
Borrelia burgdorferi B31, complete genome - 1..910724
851 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
21	 28.24	0	20445..21092	-	215	15594367	-	BB0021	-	S-adenosylmethionine: tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase
22	 34.29	+1	21058..22101	-	347	15594368	ruvB	BB0022	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase B
23	 29.29	0	22146..22739	-	197	15594369	-	BB0023	-	Holliday junction DNA helicase (ruvA)
24	 29.74	0	22819..23958	+	379	15594370	-	BB0024	-	hypothetical protein
25	 32.79	+1	23965..24696	-	243	15594371	-	BB0025	-	hypothetical protein
26	 32.15	0	24697..25623	-	308	15594372	-	BB0026	-	methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (folD)
27	 29.58	0	25753..26391	+	212	15594373	-	BB0027	-	hypothetical protein
28	 30.10	0	26399..27448	+	349	15594374	-	BB0028	-	hypothetical protein
29	 21.76	-1	27434..27865	-	143	15594375	-	BB0029	-	hypothetical protein
30	 23.58	-1	27855..28490	-	211	15594376	-	BB0030	-	signal peptidase I (lepB-1)
31	 28.13	0	28492..29472	-	326	15594377	-	BB0031	-	signal peptidase I (lepB-2)
32	 25.39	0	29543..31015	+	490	15594378	-	BB0032	-	hypothetical protein
33	 24.06	-1	31027..31479	+	150	15594379	smpB	BB0033	-	SsrA-binding protein
34	 35.93	+1	31550..32089	-	179	15594380	-	BB0034	-	hypothetical protein
35	 27.80	0	32157..34037	-	626	15594381	-	BB0035	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A
36	 29.39	0	34037..35836	-	599	15594382	-	BB0036	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit B
37	 27.36	0	35857..36609	-	250	15594383	-	BB0037	-	1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acetyltransferase (plsC)
38	 25.96	0	36606..38123	-	505	15594384	-	BB0038	-	hypothetical protein
39	 25.68	0	38136..39638	-	500	15594385	-	BB0039	-	hypothetical protein
40	 25.82	0	39826..40677	+	283	15594386	-	BB0040	-	chemotaxis protein methyltransferase (cheR-1)
41	 21.51	-1	40677..40769	+	30	15594387	-	BB0041	-	hypothetical protein
42	 26.64	0	40761..41432	-	223	15594388	-	BB0042	-	phosphate transport system regulatory protein (phoU)
43	 27.76	0	41443..42483	-	346	15594389	-	BB0043	-	hypothetical protein
44	 22.14	-1	42480..42881	-	133	15594390	-	BB0044	-	hypothetical protein
45	 25.98	0	42907..45366	-	819	15594391	-	BB0045	-	P115 protein
46	 28.39	0	45446..45991	+	181	15594392	-	BB0046	-	ribonuclease H (rnhB)
47	 33.85	+1	46011..46394	-	127	15594393	-	BB0047	-	hypothetical protein
48	 28.07	0	46601..46771	-	56	15594394	-	BB0048	-	hypothetical protein
49	 29.17	0	46921..47040	-	39	15594395	-	BB0049	-	hypothetical protein
50	 28.15	0	47167..47841	+	224	15594396	-	BB0050	-	hypothetical protein
51	 25.21	0	47905..48606	+	233	15594397	-	BB0051	-	hypothetical protein
52	 27.85	0	48603..49259	-	218	15594398	-	BB0052	-	spoU protein (spoU)
53	 27.98	0	49341..50012	+	223	15594399	-	BB0053	-	uracil-DNA glycosylase
54	 28.57	0	50112..50489	-	125	15594400	secG	BB0054	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecG
55	 33.33	+1	50490..51251	-	253	15594401	-	BB0055	-	triosephosphate isomerase
56	 35.70	+1	51253..52434	-	393	15594402	pgk	BB0056	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
57	 36.11	+1	52454..53461	-	335	15594403	-	BB0057	-	glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gap)
58	 27.25	0	53534..55504	-	656	15594404	-	BB0058	-	hypothetical protein
59	 31.41	0	55501..56280	-	259	15594405	-	BB0059	-	hemolysin (tlyC)
60	 25.85	0	56281..56748	-	155	15594406	-	BB0060	-	putative metalloprotease
61	 31.07	0	56832..57185	-	117	15594407	-	BB0061	-	thioredoxin (trxA)
62	 25.24	0	57259..57975	+	238	15594408	-	BB0062	-	hypothetical protein
63	 29.37	0	58029..59036	-	335	15594409	-	BB0063	-	hypothetical protein
64	 30.99	0	59101..60039	-	312	15594410	-	BB0064	-	methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (fmt)
65	 33.33	+1	60036..60554	-	172	15594411	-	BB0065	-	polypeptide deformylase (def)
66	 24.64	0	60568..61257	-	229	15594412	-	BB0066	-	hypothetical protein
67	 30.92	0	61254..63032	-	592	15594413	-	BB0067	-	peptidase, putative
68	 28.12	0	63147..64028	+	293	15594414	-	BB0068	-	hypothetical protein
69	 31.64	0	64038..65276	+	412	15594415	-	BB0069	-	aminopeptidase II
70	 32.47	+1	65291..65752	+	153	15594416	-	BB0070	-	hypothetical protein
71	 23.96	-1	65768..67240	+	490	15594417	-	BB0071	-	hypothetical protein
72	 24.98	0	67248..69569	+	773	15594418	-	BB0072	-	hypothetical protein
73	 22.10	-1	69566..70126	+	186	15594419	-	BB0073	-	hypothetical protein
74	 32.95	+1	70173..71219	+	348	15594420	prfB	BB0074	-	peptide chain release factor 2
75	 24.68	0	71201..72610	+	469	15594421	-	BB0075	-	hypothetical protein
76	 24.47	-1	72647..73492	+	281	15594422	-	BB0076	-	cell division protein, putative
77	 23.13	-1	73489..74517	+	342	15594423	-	BB0077	-	hypothetical protein
78	 25.29	0	74518..75039	+	173	15594424	-	BB0078	-	hypothetical protein
79	 22.02	-1	75110..75772	+	220	15594425	-	BB0079	-	hypothetical protein
80	 26.56	0	75732..76454	+	240	15594426	-	BB0080	-	ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
81	 21.82	-1	76451..77701	+	416	15594427	-	BB0081	-	hypothetical protein
82	 28.18	0	77711..79009	-	432	15594428	-	BB0082	-	hypothetical protein
83	 27.73	0	79002..79376	-	124	15594429	-	BB0083	-	hypothetical protein
84	 26.87	0	79505..80773	+	422	15594430	-	BB0084	-	aminotransferase (nifS)
85	 26.76	0	80983..81408	+	141	15594431	-	BB0085	-	hypothetical protein
86	 30.92	0	81405..82940	+	511	15594432	-	BB0086	-	hypothetical protein
87	 31.76	0	82970..83920	-	316	15594433	-	BB0087	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase (ldh)
88	 32.14	0	84041..85720	-	559	15594434	-	BB0088	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
89	 26.15	0	85880..86854	-	324	15594435	-	BB0089	-	hypothetical protein
90	 38.62	+2	86926..87360	-	144	15594436	-	BB0090	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit K
91	 28.30	0	87377..89203	-	608	15594437	-	BB0091	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit I
92	 27.97	0	89200..89814	-	204	15594438	-	BB0092	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit D
93	 35.33	+1	89811..91115	-	434	15594439	-	BB0093	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit B
94	 34.95	+1	91137..92864	-	575	161511082	-	BB0094	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit A
95	 24.18	-1	92878..93423	-	181	15594441	-	BB0095	-	hypothetical protein
96	 31.34	0	93433..94035	-	200	15594442	-	BB0096	-	V-type ATP synthase subunit E
97	 29.72	0	94219..94605	-	128	15594443	-	BB0097	-	hypothetical protein
98	 26.63	0	94611..96953	-	780	15594444	-	BB0098	-	recombination and DNA strand exchange inhibitor protein
99	 28.90	0	96943..97866	-	307	15594445	-	BB0099	-	hypothetical protein
100	 26.46	0	97863..98648	-	261	15594446	-	BB0100	-	glutamate racemase (murI)
101	 30.19	0	98805..100205	+	466	15594447	asnC	BB0101	-	asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
102	 23.37	-1	100228..100749	+	173	15594448	-	BB0102	-	hypothetical protein
103	 26.94	0	100746..101339	-	197	15594449	-	BB0103	-	hypothetical protein
104	 33.61	+1	101525..102976	-	483	15594450	-	BB0104	-	periplasmic serine protease DO (htrA)
105	 33.86	+1	103016..103771	-	251	15594451	-	BB0105	-	methionine aminopeptidase (map)
106	 24.97	0	103764..105473	-	569	15594452	-	BB0106	-	hypothetical protein
107	 28.77	0	105418..105855	-	145	15594453	nusB	BB0107	-	transcription antitermination protein NusB
108	 30.46	0	105884..106894	-	336	15594454	-	BB0108	-	basic membrane protein
109	 33.50	+1	106974..108170	-	398	15594455	-	BB0109	-	acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (fadA)
110	 23.88	-1	108307..109671	+	454	15594456	-	BB0110	-	hypothetical protein
111	 31.65	0	109675..111042	-	455	15594457	-	BB0111	-	replicative DNA helicase (dnaB)
112	 27.78	0	111046..111567	-	173	15594458	rplI	BB0112	-	50S ribosomal protein L9
113	 29.21	0	111585..111875	-	96	15594459	rpsR	BB0113	-	30S ribosomal protein S18
114	 30.22	0	111889..112338	-	149	15594460	-	BB0114	-	single-stranded DNA-binding protein (ssb)
115	 29.29	0	112350..112769	-	139	15594461	rpsF	BB0115	-	30S ribosomal protein S6
116	 32.17	0	112909..114633	-	574	15594462	-	BB0116	-	PTS system, maltose and glucose-specific IIABC component (malX)
117	 28.92	0	114807..115508	+	233	15594463	-	BB0117	-	hemolysin III (yplQ)
118	 27.17	0	115505..116818	-	437	15594464	-	BB0118	-	zinc protease, putative
119	 29.29	0	116825..117763	-	312	15595197	cdsA	BB0119	-	phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase
120	 28.72	0	117678..118370	-	230	15594465	-	BB0120	-	hypothetical protein
28.42	MEAN

3.85	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.