IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Borrelia burgdorferi B31

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 28.42 STD DEV: 3.85
Borrelia burgdorferi B31, complete genome - 1..910724
851 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
264	 30.62	0	277090..278565	-	491	15594609	-	BB0264	-	heat shock protein 70 (dnaK-1)
265	 25.29	0	278537..279058	-	173	15594610	-	BB0265	-	hypothetical protein
266	 25.89	0	279078..279386	-	102	15594611	-	BB0266	-	hypothetical protein
267	 31.97	0	279407..281311	-	634	15594612	-	BB0267	-	hypothetical protein
268	 27.29	0	281314..281793	-	159	15594613	-	BB0268	-	hypothetical protein
269	 30.97	0	281800..282687	-	295	15594614	-	BB0269	-	ATP-binding protein (ylxH-1)
270	 29.13	0	282699..283865	-	388	15594615	-	BB0270	-	flagellar biosynthesis regulator FlhF
271	 32.86	+1	283869..285962	-	697	15594616	flhA	BB0271	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA
272	 30.74	0	285971..287089	-	372	15594617	flhB	BB0272	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB
273	 25.06	0	287089..287898	-	269	15594618	-	BB0273	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein (fliR)
274	 26.52	0	287910..288173	-	87	15594619	-	BB0274	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein (fliQ)
275	 29.93	0	288182..288946	-	254	15594620	fliP	BB0275	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP
276	 25.52	0	288957..289583	-	208	15594621	-	BB0276	-	flagellar biosynthesis protein FliZ
277	 35.67	+1	289576..289917	-	113	15594622	-	BB0277	-	flagellar motor switch protein (fliN)
278	 33.52	+1	289963..291021	-	352	15594623	fliM	BB0278	-	flagellar motor switch protein FliM
279	 30.35	0	291059..291595	-	178	15594624	fliL	BB0279	-	flagellar basal body-associated protein FliL
280	 32.18	0	291644..292426	-	260	15594625	motB	BB0280	-	flagellar motor protein MotB
281	 34.48	+1	292426..293208	-	260	15594626	-	BB0281	-	flagellar motor rotation protein A (motA)
282	 29.78	0	293205..293429	-	74	15594627	-	BB0282	-	flagellar protein (flbD)
283	 36.42	+2	293452..294780	-	442	15594628	flgE	BB0283	-	flagellar hook protein FlgE
284	 29.50	0	294785..295228	-	147	15594629	flgD	BB0284	-	flagellar basal body rod modification protein
285	 24.22	-1	295242..296426	-	394	15594630	-	BB0285	-	flagellar protein (flbC)
286	 27.72	0	296428..297051	-	207	15594631	-	BB0286	-	flagellar protein (flbB)
287	 22.45	-1	297038..297469	-	143	15594632	-	BB0287	-	flagellar protein (flbA)
288	 32.49	+1	297466..298776	-	436	15594633	-	BB0288	-	flagellum-specific ATP synthase (fliI)
289	 31.38	0	298795..299715	-	306	15594634	fliH	BB0289	-	flagellar assembly protein H
290	 34.30	+1	299730..300764	-	344	15594635	fliG	BB0290	-	flagellar motor switch protein G
291	 33.86	+1	300780..302489	-	569	15594636	fliF	BB0291	-	flagellar MS-ring protein
292	 29.17	0	302504..302839	-	111	15594637	fliE	BB0292	-	flagellar hook-basal body protein FliE
293	 35.51	+1	302851..303309	-	152	15594638	flgC	BB0293	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgC
294	 27.45	0	303333..303740	-	135	15594639	flgB	BB0294	-	flagellar basal body rod protein FlgB
295	 30.41	0	303774..305141	-	455	15594640	hslU	BB0295	-	ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit
296	 34.97	+1	305113..305661	-	182	15594641	-	BB0296	-	ATP-dependent protease peptidase subunit
297	 29.64	0	305671..306618	-	315	15594642	-	BB0297	-	smg protein
298	 26.12	0	306625..307317	-	230	15594643	-	BB0298	-	hypothetical protein
299	 37.94	+2	307318..308532	-	404	15594644	-	BB0299	-	cell division protein FtsZ
300	 35.43	+1	308539..309780	-	413	15594645	-	BB0300	-	cell division protein (ftsA)
301	 24.33	-1	309780..310523	-	247	15594646	-	BB0301	-	cell division protein (divIB)
302	 29.13	0	310559..311653	-	364	15594647	-	BB0302	-	cell division protein (ftsW)
303	 30.40	0	311660..312715	-	351	15594648	-	BB0303	-	phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase (mraY)
304	 28.32	0	312729..314123	-	464	15594649	-	BB0304	-	UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamyl-2,6-diaminopimelate--D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase (murF)
305	 22.70	-1	314146..314427	-	93	15594650	-	BB0305	-	hypothetical protein
306	 29.29	0	314424..315314	-	296	15594651	-	BB0306	-	hypothetical protein
307	 23.89	-1	315307..316143	-	278	15594652	-	BB0307	-	hypothetical protein
308	 21.36	-1	316140..317216	-	358	15594653	-	BB0308	-	hypothetical protein
309	 26.54	0	317247..318026	-	259	15594654	-	BB0309	-	hypothetical protein
310	 22.46	-1	318119..318256	-	45	15594655	-	BB0310	-	hypothetical protein
311	 28.34	0	318277..319158	-	293	15594656	-	BB0311	-	hypothetical protein
312	 29.76	0	319106..319636	-	176	15594657	-	BB0312	-	purine-binding chemotaxis protein (cheW-1)
313	 27.98	0	319680..320258	-	192	15594658	-	BB0313	-	cell division protein (ftsJ)
314	 24.62	0	320309..321352	+	347	15594659	-	BB0314	-	octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase (ispB)
315	 23.58	-1	321352..322038	+	228	15594660	-	BB0315	-	hypothetical protein
316	 24.41	-1	322040..322846	-	268	15594661	-	BB0316	-	hypothetical protein
317	 25.29	0	322847..323779	-	310	15594662	-	BB0317	-	hypothetical protein
318	 27.10	0	323776..325236	-	486	15594663	-	BB0318	-	methylgalactoside ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (mglA)
319	 27.73	0	325236..326288	-	350	15594664	-	BB0319	-	exported protein (tpn38b)
320	 25.00	0	326325..326432	-	35	15594665	-	BB0320	-	hypothetical protein
321	 20.20	-2	326469..326666	-	65	15594666	-	BB0321	-	hypothetical protein
322	 23.98	-1	326699..327757	-	352	15594667	-	BB0322	-	hypothetical protein
323	 31.31	0	328032..329165	+	377	15594668	-	BB0323	-	hypothetical protein
324	 24.44	-1	329262..329621	+	119	15594669	-	BB0324	-	hypothetical protein
325	 27.84	0	329643..330752	-	369	15594670	-	BB0325	-	hypothetical protein
326	 28.58	0	330803..333598	-	931	15594671	-	BB0326	-	hypothetical protein
327	 29.10	0	333619..334515	-	298	15594672	-	BB0327	-	glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase, putative
328	 31.01	0	334919..336508	+	529	15594673	-	BB0328	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, periplasmic oligopeptide-binding protein (oppA-1)
329	 32.14	0	336629..338215	+	528	15594674	-	BB0329	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, periplasmic oligopeptide-binding protein (oppA-2)
330	 31.43	0	338358..339983	+	541	15594675	-	BB0330	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, periplasmic oligopeptide-binding protein (oppA-3)
331	 14.74	-2	340062..340217	-	51	15594676	-	BB0331	-	hypothetical protein
332	 31.05	0	340341..341261	+	306	15594677	-	BB0332	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein (oppB-1)
333	 31.52	0	341274..342323	+	349	15594678	-	BB0333	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein (oppC-1)
334	 30.81	0	342335..343207	+	290	15594679	-	BB0334	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (oppD)
335	 31.07	0	343208..344179	+	323	15594680	-	BB0335	-	oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (oppF)
336	 25.66	0	344192..344947	-	251	15594681	-	BB0336	-	P26
337	 37.25	+2	345063..346364	+	433	15594682	-	BB0337	-	enolase (eno)
338	 32.36	+1	346431..346841	-	136	15594683	rpsI	BB0338	-	30S ribosomal protein S9
339	 33.11	+1	346861..347301	-	146	15594684	rplM	BB0339	-	50S ribosomal protein L13
340	 26.79	0	347351..348160	-	269	15594685	-	BB0340	-	hypothetical protein
341	 32.58	+1	348153..349610	-	485	15594686	gatB	BB0341	-	aspartyl/glutamyl-tRNA amidotransferase subunit B
342	 30.11	0	349600..351090	-	496	15594687	-	BB0342	-	Glu-tRNA amidotransferase, subunit A (gluA)
343	 23.55	-1	351056..351331	-	91	15594688	gatC	BB0343	-	aspartyl/glutamyl-tRNA amidotransferase subunit C
344	 26.24	0	351341..353440	-	699	15594689	-	BB0344	-	DNA helicase (uvrD)
345	 25.73	0	353440..354636	-	398	15594690	-	BB0345	-	hypothetical protein
346	 29.19	0	354648..355298	-	216	15594691	-	BB0346	-	hypothetical protein
347	 24.16	-1	355482..356909	+	475	15594692	-	BB0347	-	fibronectin/fibrinogen-binding protein, putative
348	 32.29	+1	357007..358440	+	477	15594693	-	BB0348	-	pyruvate kinase
349	 22.27	-1	358458..359198	+	246	15594694	-	BB0349	-	hypothetical protein
350	 30.47	0	359217..359495	-	92	15594695	rpmB	BB0350	-	50S ribosomal protein L28
351	 26.39	0	359513..361081	-	522	15594696	-	BB0351	-	hypothetical protein
352	 22.05	-1	361188..362321	+	377	15594697	-	BB0352	-	hypothetical protein
353	 23.22	-1	362318..364117	-	599	15594698	-	BB0353	-	hypothetical protein
354	 22.09	-1	364130..365170	-	346	15594699	-	BB0354	-	hypothetical protein
355	 28.02	0	365115..365603	-	162	15594700	-	BB0355	-	transcription factor, putative
356	 21.82	-1	365643..366137	-	164	15594701	-	BB0356	-	hypothetical protein
357	 30.11	0	366144..366236	-	30	15594702	-	BB0357	-	hypothetical protein
358	 28.01	0	366229..366960	-	243	15594703	-	BB0358	-	hypothetical protein
359	 29.20	0	366964..368391	-	475	15594704	-	BB0359	-	carboxyl-terminal protease (CTP)
360	 24.65	0	368456..368881	+	141	15594705	-	BB0360	-	hypothetical protein
361	 27.91	0	368885..370027	+	380	15594706	-	BB0361	-	ATP-binding protein (ylxH-2)
362	 32.02	0	370027..371013	+	328	15594707	-	BB0362	-	prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase
363	 24.29	-1	371034..373046	+	670	15594708	-	BB0363	-	periplasmic protein
28.42	MEAN

3.85	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.