IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Bartonella bacilliformis KC583

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 39.00 STD DEV: 4.11
Bartonella bacilliformis KC583, complete genome - 1..1445021
1283 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
1117	 39.41	0	1245173..1246192	-	339	121601998	lpxK	BARBAKC583_1203	-	tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase
1118	 37.91	0	1246196..1247506	-	436	121602543	kdtA	BARBAKC583_1204	-	3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase
1119	 39.29	0	1247520..1248275	-	251	121601847	-	BARBAKC583_1205	-	hypothetical protein
1120	 34.19	-1	1248358..1248591	-	77	121602438	-	BARBAKC583_1206	-	hypothetical protein
1121	 40.39	0	1249426..1250757	-	443	121601889	-	BARBAKC583_1208	-	TldD/PmbA family protein
1122	 41.76	0	1251214..1251771	-	185	121602303	-	BARBAKC583_1209	-	putative methyltransferase
1123	 38.80	0	1251752..1253251	-	499	121601745	-	BARBAKC583_1210	-	RNA pseudouridine synthase
1124	 43.85	+1	1253413..1253859	+	148	121602446	-	BARBAKC583_1211	-	cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding protein
1125	 39.81	0	1254328..1257243	-	971	121601879	ileS	BARBAKC583_1212	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
1126	 40.94	0	1257486..1258340	-	284	121602037	-	BARBAKC583_1213	-	omp25/ropB family outer membrane protein
1127	 42.97	0	1258483..1259385	-	300	121602865	-	BARBAKC583_1214	-	omp25/ropB family outer membrane protein
1128	 37.83	0	1259526..1260371	-	281	121602149	-	BARBAKC583_1215	-	omp25/ropB family outer membrane protein
1129	 37.00	0	1260812..1261138	-	108	121602383	-	BARBAKC583_1216	-	hypothetical protein
1130	 38.30	0	1261996..1263909	+	637	121601645	-	BARBAKC583_1217	-	hypothetical protein
1131	 32.46	-1	1263890..1264003	+	37	121601637	-	BARBAKC583_1218	-	hypothetical protein
1132	 37.36	0	1264067..1264687	-	206	121602332	-	BARBAKC583_1219	-	3'-5' exonuclease domain-containing protein
1133	 39.48	0	1264659..1266074	-	471	121601716	-	BARBAKC583_1220	-	hypothetical protein
1134	 38.47	0	1266148..1267023	-	291	121602138	mutM	BARBAKC583_1221	-	formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase
1135	 40.85	0	1267071..1268321	-	416	121602856	-	BARBAKC583_1222	-	metalloprotease
1136	 39.06	0	1268349..1269203	-	284	121602731	-	BARBAKC583_1223	-	cell wall hydrolase family protein
1137	 37.62	0	1269493..1270215	-	240	121601959	phoU	BARBAKC583_1224	-	phosphate transport system regulatory protein PhoU
1138	 39.92	0	1270238..1270996	-	252	121602785	pstB	BARBAKC583_1225	-	phosphate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
1139	 39.29	0	1271037..1272329	-	430	121602070	pstA	BARBAKC583_1226	-	phosphate ABC transporter, permease protein PstA
1140	 38.06	0	1272326..1273786	-	486	121601770	pstC	BARBAKC583_1227	-	phosphate ABC transporter, permease protein PstC
1141	 38.30	0	1273849..1274895	-	348	121602675	pstS	BARBAKC583_1228	-	phosphate ABC transporter, periplasmic phosphate-binding protein
1142	 38.87	0	1275042..1275980	-	312	121602356	gshB	BARBAKC583_1229	-	glutathione synthetase
1143	 39.04	0	1276069..1276857	+	262	121602481	-	BARBAKC583_1231	-	molybdopterin biosynthesis protein MoeB
1144	 33.33	-1	1277527..1277655	-	42	121601911	-	BARBAKC583_1232	-	hypothetical protein
1145	 38.53	0	1279398..1279955	-	185	121602041	-	BARBAKC583_1235	-	cytochrome c family protein
1146	 40.03	0	1280060..1280791	+	243	121602753	kdsB	BARBAKC583_1236	-	3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase
1147	 30.83	-1	1280868..1280987	-	39	121602187	-	BARBAKC583_1237	-	hypothetical protein
1148	 39.42	0	1281536..1283440	+	634	121602189	dnaX	BARBAKC583_1238	-	DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau
1149	 36.70	0	1283455..1283781	+	108	121602892	-	BARBAKC583_1239	-	hypothetical protein
1150	 41.58	0	1283819..1284424	+	201	121601748	recR	BARBAKC583_1240	-	recombination protein RecR
1151	 41.38	0	1284661..1285368	+	235	121602470	-	BARBAKC583_1241	-	glycoprotease family protein
1152	 35.37	0	1285361..1285852	+	163	121602482	-	BARBAKC583_1242	-	ribosomal-protein-alanine acetyltransferase
1153	 40.81	0	1285884..1287260	+	458	121601992	miaB	BARBAKC583_1243	-	tRNA-i(6)A37 thiotransferase enzyme MiaB
1154	 39.62	0	1287417..1288529	+	370	121602301	-	BARBAKC583_1244	-	PhoH family protein
1155	 34.80	-1	1288537..1289013	+	158	121601777	-	BARBAKC583_1245	-	hypothetical protein
1156	 39.30	0	1289116..1290138	+	340	121602803	corC	BARBAKC583_1246	-	magnesium and cobalt efflux protein CorC
1157	 37.64	0	1290101..1291726	+	541	121602264	lnt	BARBAKC583_1247	-	apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase
1158	 37.20	0	1291877..1292290	+	137	121602273	-	BARBAKC583_1248	-	DNA-binding protein
1159	 41.37	0	1292414..1293694	+	426	121602665	metK	BARBAKC583_1249	-	S-adenosylmethionine synthetase
1160	 37.18	0	1293681..1294382	+	233	121602477	trmB	BARBAKC583_1250	-	tRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase
1161	 37.14	0	1294526..1295155	+	209	121601902	-	BARBAKC583_1251	-	hypothetical protein
1162	 40.64	0	1295204..1296817	+	537	121602814	nusA	BARBAKC583_1252	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
1163	 39.31	0	1296819..1297454	+	211	121601829	-	BARBAKC583_1253	-	hypothetical protein
1164	 40.20	0	1297451..1299997	+	848	121602354	infB	BARBAKC583_1254	-	translation initiation factor IF-2
1165	 36.47	0	1300079..1300525	+	148	121601742	rbfA	BARBAKC583_1255	-	ribosome-binding factor A
1166	 39.25	0	1300529..1301491	+	320	121602518	truB	BARBAKC583_1256	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase B
1167	 39.26	0	1301958..1302227	+	89	121601958	rpsO	BARBAKC583_1257	-	ribosomal protein S15
1168	 40.69	0	1302482..1304683	+	733	121602640	pnp	BARBAKC583_1258	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
1169	 37.94	0	1304756..1305754	+	332	121602517	-	BARBAKC583_1259	-	methyltransferase domain-containing protein
1170	 39.74	0	1305772..1307082	-	436	121602788	hslU	BARBAKC583_1260	-	ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit
1171	 41.24	0	1307083..1307664	-	193	121602221	-	BARBAKC583_1261	-	ATP-dependent protease peptidase subunit
1172	 39.29	0	1307865..1308854	+	329	121602132	-	BARBAKC583_1262	-	putative L-asparaginase
1173	 35.24	0	1309034..1309978	+	314	121601663	coaA	BARBAKC583_1263	-	pantothenate kinase
1174	 38.98	0	1309992..1311389	+	465	121602823	-	BARBAKC583_1264	-	cytosol aminopeptidase family protein
1175	 41.75	0	1311517..1312371	+	284	121602676	-	BARBAKC583_1265	-	NLP/P60 family protein
1176	 39.96	0	1312752..1313309	+	185	121602573	-	BARBAKC583_1266	-	hypothetical protein
1177	 35.36	0	1313362..1313805	-	147	121602083	irr	BARBAKC583_1267	-	iron response regulator Irr
1178	 41.18	0	1314115..1314624	+	169	121602833	fabA	BARBAKC583_1268	-	3-hydroxydecanoyl-(acyl carrier protein) dehydratase
1179	 42.83	0	1314680..1315900	+	406	121602377	-	BARBAKC583_1269	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase I
1180	 39.56	0	1315948..1316766	+	272	121601782	-	BARBAKC583_1270	-	enoyl-(acyl carrier protein) reductase
1181	 44.25	+1	1316934..1317107	-	57	121602804	-	BARBAKC583_1271	-	hypothetical protein
1182	 40.32	0	1317110..1317481	-	123	121602245	cyoD	BARBAKC583_1272	-	cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit IV
1183	 37.99	0	1317481..1318146	-	221	121602479	cyoC	BARBAKC583_1273	-	cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit III
1184	 39.62	0	1318143..1320161	-	672	121601749	cyoB	BARBAKC583_1274	-	cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I
1185	 39.51	0	1320256..1321227	-	323	121602293	cyoA	BARBAKC583_1275	-	cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit II
1186	 35.64	0	1321332..1321808	-	158	121601715	aroQ	BARBAKC583_1276	-	3-dehydroquinate dehydratase
1187	 42.83	0	1321846..1322982	-	378	121602459	recF	BARBAKC583_1277	-	recombination protein F
1188	 39.48	0	1323016..1324137	-	373	121601944	dnaN	BARBAKC583_1278	-	DNA polymerase III subunit beta
1189	 39.68	0	1324320..1325894	-	524	121602078	dnaA	BARBAKC583_1279	-	chromosomal replication initiation protein
1190	 32.61	-1	1326118..1326255	-	45	121602795	-	BARBAKC583_1280	-	hypothetical protein
1191	 44.19	+1	1326576..1326842	-	88	121602324	rpsT	BARBAKC583_1281	-	30S ribosomal protein S20
1192	 40.74	0	1327051..1329738	-	895	121601798	acnA	BARBAKC583_1282	-	aconitate hydratase
1193	 25.64	-2	1329919..1330035	+	38	121602849	-	BARBAKC583_1283	-	hypothetical protein
1194	 39.55	0	1330032..1330658	+	208	121602130	ccmA	BARBAKC583_1284	-	cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcmA
1195	 37.99	0	1330655..1331320	+	221	121602283	ccmB	BARBAKC583_1285	-	heme exporter protein CcmB
1196	 42.05	0	1331364..1332143	+	259	121602712	ccmC	BARBAKC583_1286	-	heme exporter protein CcmC
1197	 36.90	0	1332131..1332382	+	83	121601995	ccmD	BARBAKC583_1287	-	heme exporter protein CcmD
1198	 34.45	-1	1332357..1332983	+	208	121602530	cycY	BARBAKC583_1288	-	thiol:disulfide interchange protein CycY
1199	 42.04	0	1333243..1333782	-	179	121602326	-	BARBAKC583_1289	-	GcrA cell cycle regulator
1200	 39.47	0	1334214..1335419	+	401	121601786	argD	BARBAKC583_1290	-	bifunctional N-succinyldiaminopimelate-aminotransferase/acetylornithine transaminase protein
1201	 41.59	0	1335425..1336357	+	310	121602135	argF	BARBAKC583_1291	-	ornithine carbamoyltransferase
1202	 37.98	0	1336388..1337377	+	329	121602918	hslO	BARBAKC583_1292	-	Hsp33-like chaperonin
1203	 41.67	0	1337802..1338389	-	195	121602786	-	BARBAKC583_1293	-	Smr domain-containing protein
1204	 35.64	0	1338435..1339127	-	230	121602069	-	BARBAKC583_1294	-	Tim44 domain-containing protein
1205	 30.90	-1	1339339..1339872	+	177	121602351	-	BARBAKC583_1295	-	fxsA cytoplasmic membrane protein
1206	 36.67	0	1339975..1340454	+	159	121601951	secB	BARBAKC583_1296	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecB
1207	 29.08	-2	1340762..1340902	-	46	121602551	-	BARBAKC583_1297	-	hypothetical protein
1208	 39.83	0	1340973..1342295	-	440	121601662	-	BARBAKC583_1298	-	malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP+)
1209	 40.51	0	1342493..1345237	+	914	121602103	mutS	BARBAKC583_1299	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
1210	 43.54	+1	1345304..1345450	-	48	121602510	-	BARBAKC583_1300	-	hypothetical protein
1211	 38.62	0	1345536..1345913	-	125	121601974	-	BARBAKC583_1302	-	hypothetical protein
1212	 40.80	0	1346099..1347424	+	441	121602830	aroA	BARBAKC583_1303	-	3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase
1213	 41.05	0	1347421..1348068	+	215	121602868	cmk	BARBAKC583_1304	-	cytidylate kinase
1214	 40.80	0	1348203..1349903	+	566	121602294	rpsA	BARBAKC583_1305	-	30S ribosomal protein S1
1215	 39.69	0	1350065..1358719	+	2884	121601866	-	BARBAKC583_1306	-	cyclic beta 1-2 glucan synthase
1216	 40.08	0	1358856..1360130	+	424	121602457	pncB	BARBAKC583_1307	-	nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
39.00	MEAN

4.11	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.