IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Azoarcus sp. BH72

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 67.83 STD DEV: 4.13
Azoarcus sp. BH72, complete genome - 1..4376040
3989 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
3859	 69.09	0	4234040..4234657	-	205	119900151	-	azo3862	-	hypothetical protein
3860	 73.71	+1	4234851..4236512	+	553	119900152	-	azo3863	-	hypothetical protein
3861	 71.61	0	4236519..4236902	-	127	119900153	-	azo3864	-	cytochrome c family protein
3862	 68.64	0	4236962..4238632	-	556	119900154	exaA5	azo3865	-	putative quinoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase
3863	 66.89	0	4238668..4239555	-	295	119900155	-	azo3866	-	hypothetical protein
3864	 70.52	0	4239989..4240999	+	336	119900156	acoA2	azo3867	-	acetoin dehydrogenase, alpha subunit
3865	 66.57	0	4241016..4242053	+	345	119900157	acoB2	azo3868	-	acetoin dehydrogenase, beta subunit
3866	 68.29	0	4242264..4242509	+	81	119900158	-	azo3869	-	hypothetical protein
3867	 73.81	+1	4242513..4243226	+	237	119900159	-	azo3870	-	hypothetical protein
3868	 76.01	+1	4243226..4243996	+	256	119900160	-	azo3871	-	putative lipoate protein ligase
3869	 68.21	0	4244062..4244643	+	193	119900161	-	azo3872	-	hypothetical protein
3870	 66.60	0	4244733..4246307	+	524	119900162	-	azo3873	-	putative glucase dehydrogenase alpha subunit
3871	 66.50	0	4246369..4246983	+	204	119900163	-	azo3874	-	hypothetical protein
3872	 70.93	0	4247215..4249182	+	655	119900164	-	azo3875	-	sigma-54-dependent transcriptional regulator
3873	 65.85	0	4249321..4251393	+	690	119900165	-	azo3876	-	hypothetical protein
3874	 73.62	+1	4251398..4252432	+	344	119900166	-	azo3877	-	hypothetical protein
3875	 74.86	+1	4252437..4253474	+	345	119900167	-	azo3878	-	hypothetical protein
3876	 65.08	0	4253497..4254504	+	335	119900168	-	azo3879	-	hypothetical protein
3877	 68.88	0	4254527..4255069	+	180	119900169	-	azo3880	-	hypothetical protein
3878	 61.90	-1	4255159..4255536	+	125	119900170	-	azo3881	-	hypothetical protein
3879	 73.19	+1	4255546..4255974	+	142	119900171	-	azo3882	-	hypothetical protein
3880	 76.16	+2	4255979..4257190	+	403	119900172	-	azo3883	-	hypothetical protein
3881	 74.73	+1	4257210..4259045	+	611	119900173	-	azo3884	-	regulatory protein
3882	 69.91	0	4259097..4259867	+	256	119900174	-	azo3885	-	putative phosphoprotein phosphatase
3883	 70.18	0	4259941..4260594	+	217	119900175	-	azo3886	-	hypothetical protein
3884	 67.46	0	4260635..4261894	+	419	119900176	-	azo3887	-	hypothetical protein
3885	 72.35	+1	4261940..4263946	-	668	119900177	-	azo3888	-	putative serine/threonine kinase
3886	 75.07	+1	4264005..4264706	-	233	119900178	-	azo3889	-	hypothetical protein
3887	 69.13	0	4264709..4268281	-	1190	119900179	imcF	azo3890	-	ImcF-like protein
3888	 72.11	+1	4268313..4269617	-	434	119900180	ompA2	azo3891	-	hypothetical protein
3889	 70.41	0	4269682..4271016	-	444	119900181	impJ	azo3892	-	hypothetical protein
3890	 71.48	0	4271065..4271583	-	172	119900182	-	azo3893	-	hypothetical protein
3891	 71.00	0	4271852..4272913	+	353	119900183	sciA	azo3894	-	putative cytoplasmic protein
3892	 64.51	0	4272962..4273471	+	169	119900184	sciH	azo3895	-	putative cytoplasmic protein,SciH
3893	 64.46	0	4273523..4275019	+	498	119900185	sciI	azo3896	-	putative cytoplasmic protein, sciI
3894	 61.55	-1	4275148..4275636	+	162	119900186	sciM	azo3897	-	putative cytoplasmic protein,sciM
3895	 67.06	0	4275831..4276337	+	168	119900187	sciK	azo3898	-	putative cytoplasmic protein,sciK
3896	 70.80	0	4276353..4277174	+	273	119900188	sciE	azo3899	-	putative cytoplasmic protein,sciE
3897	 69.41	0	4277167..4277676	+	169	119900189	sciD	azo3900	-	putative cytoplasmic protein, sciD
3898	 69.60	0	4277775..4279646	+	623	119900190	sciC	azo3901	-	putative cytoplasmic protein, sciC
3899	 72.41	+1	4279622..4280665	+	347	119900191	sciB	azo3902	-	putative cytoplasmic protein, sciB.
3900	 68.17	0	4280714..4283434	+	906	119900192	clpB2	azo3903	-	putative ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding subunit ClpB
3901	 64.62	0	4283535..4283924	+	129	119900193	-	azo3904	-	hypothetical protein
3902	 67.79	0	4283936..4285093	+	385	119900194	-	azo3905	-	putative lipase family protein
3903	 67.02	0	4285131..4286267	+	378	119900195	-	azo3906	-	hypothetical protein
3904	 71.78	0	4286286..4287635	+	449	119900196	-	azo3907	-	hypothetical protein
3905	 71.49	0	4287636..4289066	-	476	119900197	-	azo3908	-	putative serine/threonine protein kinase
3906	 66.44	0	4289077..4289949	-	290	119900198	mnsA	azo3909	-	sensor protein
3907	 74.87	+1	4290002..4290928	-	308	119900199	-	azo3910	-	hypothetical protein
3908	 71.31	0	4291053..4292258	+	401	119900200	fabF2	azo3911	-	3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase I
3909	 75.48	+1	4292263..4293090	+	275	119900201	-	azo3912	-	hypothetical protein
3910	 73.14	+1	4293087..4293596	+	169	119900202	-	azo3913	-	hypothetical protein
3911	 69.56	0	4293607..4294332	+	241	119900203	fabG	azo3914	-	3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase
3912	 68.28	0	4294332..4295636	+	434	119900204	-	azo3915	-	putative Na/H(+) antiporter
3913	 69.81	0	4295751..4296674	+	307	119900205	argC	azo3916	-	N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase
3914	 69.53	0	4296699..4297466	-	255	119900206	-	azo3917	-	glycosyltransferase
3915	 68.57	0	4297495..4298283	-	262	119900207	-	azo3918	-	putative phospholipid biosynthesis acyltransferase
3916	 70.07	0	4298304..4299155	-	283	119900208	mipA	azo3919	-	MltA-interacting protein precursor
3917	 72.30	+1	4299152..4300162	-	336	119900209	-	azo3920	-	hypothetical protein
3918	 68.77	0	4300159..4301538	-	459	119900210	-	azo3921	-	hypothetical protein
3919	 66.83	0	4301535..4302155	-	206	119900211	-	azo3922	-	hypothetical protein
3920	 67.21	0	4302273..4302821	-	182	119900212	lrp2	azo3923	-	leucine-responsive regulatory protein
3921	 71.99	+1	4302926..4304239	+	437	119900213	dadA2	azo3924	-	D-amino acid dehydrogenase small subunit
3922	 72.22	+1	4304301..4305362	+	353	119900214	alr	azo3925	-	alanine racemase
3923	 71.90	0	4305381..4305590	-	69	119900215	-	azo3926	-	hypothetical protein
3924	 75.48	+1	4305599..4306858	-	419	119900216	cycH	azo3927	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CycH
3925	 71.76	0	4306855..4307364	-	169	119900217	cycL	azo3928	-	cytochrome C-type biogenesis protein CycL
3926	 67.51	0	4307381..4307974	-	197	119900218	ccmG	azo3929	-	protein disulfide-isomerase
3927	 70.16	0	4307994..4309970	-	658	119900219	ccmF	azo3930	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmF
3928	 67.56	0	4309967..4310413	-	148	119900220	ccmE	azo3931	-	cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE
3929	 69.82	0	4310410..4310631	-	73	119900221	ccmD	azo3932	-	heme exporter protein D
3930	 68.47	0	4310631..4311407	-	258	119900222	ccmC	azo3933	-	heme exporter protein C
3931	 70.83	0	4311404..4311499	-	31	119900223	-	azo3934	-	hypothetical protein
3932	 71.75	0	4311496..4312164	-	222	119900224	ccmB	azo3935	-	heme exporter protein B
3933	 73.21	+1	4312158..4312784	-	208	119900225	ccmA	azo3936	-	cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcmA
3934	 69.17	0	4313372..4315009	+	545	119900226	-	azo3937	-	putative aerotaxis receptor
3935	 64.95	0	4315202..4315840	-	212	119900227	napC2	azo3938	-	cytochrome c-type protein NapC
3936	 66.67	0	4315856..4316308	-	150	119900228	napB2	azo3939	-	diheme cytochrome c
3937	 71.99	+1	4316305..4317300	-	331	119900229	napH	azo3940	-	quinol dehydrogenase membrane component
3938	 72.59	+1	4317297..4318157	-	286	119900230	napG	azo3941	-	quinol dehydrogenase periplasmic component
3939	 65.21	0	4318452..4320995	-	847	119900231	napA2	azo3942	-	nitrate reductase
3940	 63.53	-1	4320997..4321251	-	84	119900232	napD2	azo3943	-	periplasmic nitrate reductase subunit NapD
3941	 75.99	+1	4321248..4321751	-	167	119900233	napF	azo3944	-	ferredoxin-type protein NapF
3942	 72.52	+1	4321945..4325139	-	1064	119900234	-	azo3945	-	putative hybrid sensor and regulator protein
3943	 64.97	0	4325235..4325588	+	117	119900235	-	azo3946	-	putative two component transcriptional regulator
3944	 67.92	0	4325551..4328109	-	852	119900236	-	azo3947	-	putative two component sensor protein
3945	 72.70	+1	4328357..4329781	-	474	119900237	-	azo3948	-	putative DNA-directed polymerase III
3946	 70.98	0	4329784..4330548	-	254	119900238	ubiE2	azo3949	-	ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase
3947	 58.85	-2	4330672..4330863	-	63	119900239	-	azo3950	-	hypothetical protein
3948	 66.71	0	4330962..4333160	-	732	119900240	spoT	azo3951	-	guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-diphosphatase
3949	 65.74	0	4333183..4333398	-	71	119900241	rpoZ	azo3952	-	DNA-directed RNA polymerase
3950	 65.53	0	4333401..4334015	-	204	119900242	gmk	azo3953	-	guanylate kinase
3951	 69.80	0	4334206..4334748	-	180	119900243	-	azo3954	-	isochorismatase family protein
3952	 78.52	+2	4335032..4335799	+	255	119900244	-	azo3955	-	hypothetical protein
3953	 75.46	+1	4335858..4337279	+	473	119900245	-	azo3956	-	hypothetical protein
3954	 73.24	+1	4337288..4340482	+	1064	119900246	-	azo3957	-	DNA polymerase III, alpha subunit, putative
3955	 68.73	0	4340498..4340884	-	128	119900247	pcaC	azo3958	-	4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase
3956	 69.74	0	4340829..4341284	-	151	119900248	cadR	azo3959	-	MerR family transcriptional regulator
3957	 67.59	0	4341451..4342317	-	288	119900249	yicC	azo3960	-	hypothetical protein
3958	 64.36	0	4342320..4343360	+	346	119900250	-	azo3961	-	putative serine/threonine protein kinase
67.83	MEAN

4.13	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.