IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Azoarcus sp. BH72

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 67.83 STD DEV: 4.13
Azoarcus sp. BH72, complete genome - 1..4376040
3989 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
955	 68.21	0	1027781..1029013	-	410	119897247	cfa1	azo0956	-	cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase
956	 70.74	0	1029315..1031303	+	662	119897248	dnaX	azo0957	-	DNA polymerase III subunit tau
957	 62.42	-1	1031349..1031678	+	109	119897249	-	azo0958	-	hypothetical protein
958	 69.33	0	1031759..1032358	+	199	119897250	recR	azo0959	-	recombination protein RecR
959	 66.16	0	1032540..1033133	+	197	119897251	petA1	azo0960	-	ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur protein
960	 62.49	-1	1033137..1034405	+	422	119897252	petB	azo0961	-	ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b protein
961	 63.89	0	1034402..1035157	+	251	119897253	petC	azo0962	-	putative ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 protein
962	 60.13	-1	1035265..1035861	+	198	119897254	sspA2	azo0963	-	stringent starvation protein A
963	 64.40	0	1035915..1036355	+	146	119897255	sspB	azo0964	-	ClpXP protease specificity-enhancing factor
964	 68.30	0	1036339..1037562	-	407	119897256	-	azo0965	-	glycosyltransferase
965	 64.42	0	1037729..1038217	+	162	119897257	-	azo0966	-	hypothetical protein
966	 70.34	0	1038235..1039485	-	416	119897258	dadA1	azo0967	-	D-amino acid dehydrogenase small subunit
967	 64.67	0	1039663..1040664	+	333	119897259	cbbF	azo0968	-	fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
968	 70.66	0	1040676..1042403	+	575	119897260	-	azo0969	-	outer membrane protein
969	 67.49	0	1042491..1043462	+	323	119897261	-	azo0970	-	hypothetical protein
970	 67.12	0	1043538..1044428	+	296	119897262	-	azo0971	-	ABC transporter permease
971	 68.68	0	1044430..1045224	+	264	119897263	-	azo0972	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
972	 62.89	-1	1045436..1045726	+	96	119897264	groES1	azo0973	-	chaperonin GroES
973	 63.88	0	1045775..1047424	+	549	119897265	groEL	azo0974	-	chaperonin GroEL
974	 67.25	0	1047710..1048396	+	228	119897266	basR	azo0975	-	two-component response regulatory protein
975	 68.15	0	1048371..1049858	+	495	119897267	basS	azo0976	-	putative two-component system histidine kinase
976	 58.90	-2	1050037..1050345	+	102	119897268	-	azo0977	-	hypothetical protein
977	 65.21	0	1050342..1052060	+	572	119897269	actP	azo0978	-	acetate permease
978	 69.20	0	1052174..1052845	-	223	119897270	tctD	azo0979	-	transcriptional regulatory protein
979	 67.15	0	1053183..1054436	+	417	119897271	hemA	azo0980	-	glutamyl-tRNA reductase
980	 67.31	0	1054469..1055554	+	361	119897272	prfA	azo0981	-	peptide chain release factor 1
981	 67.03	0	1055551..1056387	+	278	119897273	hemK	azo0982	-	HemK protein
982	 62.35	-1	1056474..1056797	+	107	119897274	-	azo0983	-	hypothetical protein
983	 68.94	0	1056828..1057925	-	365	119897275	-	azo0984	-	hypothetical protein
984	 64.34	0	1057916..1058776	-	286	119897276	-	azo0985	-	hypothetical protein
985	 63.04	-1	1058789..1059091	-	100	119897277	-	azo0986	-	hypothetical protein
986	 66.25	0	1059121..1059837	-	238	119897278	-	azo0987	-	hypothetical protein
987	 67.13	0	1060017..1061303	-	428	119897279	-	azo0988	-	putative serine/threonine protein kinase
988	 67.91	0	1061310..1062752	-	480	119897280	argH	azo0989	-	argininosuccinate lyase
989	 66.37	0	1062841..1063866	+	341	119897281	algZ	azo0990	-	putative alginate biosynthesis protein AlgZ/FimS
990	 69.16	0	1063863..1064624	+	253	119897282	algR	azo0991	-	alginate biosynthesis regulatory protein AlgR
991	 69.35	0	1064654..1067407	-	917	119897283	ppc	azo0992	-	phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase
992	 72.45	+1	1067713..1068663	+	316	119897284	hemC	azo0993	-	porphobilinogen deaminase
993	 72.06	+1	1068679..1069476	+	265	119897285	hemD	azo0994	-	HemD protein
994	 72.43	+1	1069486..1070682	+	398	119897286	hemX	azo0995	-	uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase
995	 71.50	0	1070695..1071894	+	399	119897287	hemY	azo0996	-	HemY protein
996	 71.94	0	1072050..1072769	+	239	119897288	glcC	azo0997	-	glc operon transcriptional activator
997	 69.67	0	1072863..1074362	+	499	119897289	glcD1	azo0998	-	glycolate oxidase subunit GlcD
998	 67.35	0	1074367..1074513	+	48	119897290	-	azo0999	-	hypothetical protein
999	 72.22	+1	1074510..1075571	+	353	119897291	glcE	azo1000	-	glycolate oxidase FAD binding subunit
1000	 69.48	0	1075575..1076819	+	414	119897292	glcF	azo1001	-	glycolate oxidase iron-sulfur subunit
1001	 66.28	0	1076945..1077721	+	258	119897293	-	azo1002	-	putative phosphoprotein phosphatase
1002	 68.98	0	1077900..1079021	+	373	119897294	pntAA	azo1003	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase, subunit alpha part 1
1003	 65.37	0	1079035..1079343	+	102	119897295	pntAB	azo1004	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase,subunit alpha part 2
1004	 66.38	0	1079340..1080719	+	459	119897296	pntB	azo1005	-	NAD(P) transhydrogenase, subunit beta
1005	 69.23	0	1080834..1081184	+	116	119897297	-	azo1006	-	hypothetical protein
1006	 70.40	0	1081178..1083613	-	811	119897298	-	azo1007	-	signaling protein
1007	 68.15	0	1083711..1085195	-	494	119897299	rhlE2	azo1008	-	putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase
1008	 69.04	0	1085393..1086487	-	364	119897300	-	azo1009	-	putative RNA 2'-O-ribose methyltransferase
1009	 67.90	0	1086606..1087658	+	350	119897301	tas	azo1010	-	oxidoreductase Tas
1010	 69.33	0	1087666..1088040	-	124	119897302	-	azo1011	-	hypothetical protein
1011	 68.82	0	1088233..1089531	+	432	119897303	ugpB	azo1012	-	putative glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic protein
1012	 70.40	0	1089536..1090285	+	249	119897304	ugpQ	azo1013	-	cytoplasmic glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase
1013	 63.65	-1	1090402..1091427	+	341	119897305	ispB	azo1014	-	octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase
1014	 70.41	0	1091631..1092566	+	311	119897306	-	azo1015	-	LysR family transcriptional regulator
1015	 66.75	0	1092645..1093793	+	382	119897307	lldA	azo1016	-	L-lactate dehydrogenase
1016	 63.09	-1	1093840..1094649	-	269	119897308	comL	azo1017	-	competence lipoprotein precursor
1017	 68.92	0	1094663..1095637	+	324	119897309	rluD	azo1018	-	pseudouridylate synthase
1018	 71.84	0	1095700..1096395	+	231	119897310	-	azo1019	-	hypothetical protein
1019	 62.61	-1	1096434..1096655	-	73	119897311	-	azo1020	-	hypothetical protein
1020	 64.26	0	1096743..1098485	+	580	119897312	phaC	azo1021	-	polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase
1021	 60.73	-1	1098596..1099336	+	246	119897313	phbB1	azo1022	-	acetoacetyl-CoA reductase
1022	 60.86	-1	1099528..1100268	+	246	119897314	phbB2	azo1023	-	acetoacetyl-CoA reductase
1023	 60.95	-1	1100389..1101018	+	209	119897315	phbF	azo1024	-	hypothetical protein
1024	 63.44	-1	1101080..1102411	+	443	119897316	-	azo1025	-	hypothetical protein
1025	 67.96	0	1102525..1103373	+	282	119897317	ychK	azo1026	-	esterase
1026	 64.75	0	1103397..1104803	+	468	119897318	glcD2	azo1027	-	putative glycolate oxidase subunit GlcD
1027	 60.45	-1	1105799..1106650	+	283	119897319	hbdA	azo1028	-	3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
1028	 62.95	-1	1106727..1108178	-	483	119897320	rho	azo1029	-	transcription termination factor Rho
1029	 55.96	-2	1108162..1108488	-	108	119897321	trxA1	azo1030	-	thioredoxin-disulfide reductase
1030	 61.42	-1	1108784..1109107	+	107	119897322	fdxA	azo1031	-	ferredoxin
1031	 61.78	-1	1109179..1109628	+	149	119897323	-	azo1032	-	hypothetical protein
1032	 64.54	0	1109767..1111458	+	563	119897324	fadD1	azo1033	-	long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase
1033	 66.73	0	1111730..1113397	+	555	119897325	ilvB	azo1034	-	acetolactate synthase catalytic subunit
1034	 62.22	-1	1113400..1113714	+	104	119897326	ilvN	azo1035	-	acetolactate synthase 1 regulatory subunit
1035	 68.60	0	1113825..1114961	+	378	119897327	aroC	azo1036	-	chorismate synthase
1036	 67.84	0	1114958..1116148	+	396	119897328	-	azo1037	-	putative MFS metabolite transporter
1037	 67.52	0	1116163..1116984	+	273	119897329	-	azo1038	-	hypothetical protein
1038	 66.88	0	1117079..1118488	+	469	119897330	leuC	azo1039	-	isopropylmalate isomerase large subunit
1039	 63.07	-1	1118505..1119143	+	212	119897331	leuD	azo1040	-	isopropylmalate isomerase small subunit
1040	 65.73	0	1119180..1120244	+	354	119897332	leuB	azo1041	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
1041	 66.39	0	1120327..1121427	+	366	119897333	asd	azo1042	-	aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
1042	 69.17	0	1121643..1124558	+	971	119897334	fimV1	azo1043	-	putative type 4 pilus biogenesis
1043	 69.61	0	1124621..1125232	+	203	119897335	-	azo1044	-	hypothetical protein
1044	 68.30	0	1125226..1126023	+	265	119897336	truA	azo1045	-	tRNA pseudouridine synthase A
1045	 67.31	0	1126024..1126647	+	207	119897337	trpF	azo1046	-	N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase
1046	 66.83	0	1126595..1127848	+	417	119897338	trpB	azo1047	-	tryptophan synthase subunit beta
1047	 68.26	0	1127891..1128706	+	271	119897339	trpA	azo1048	-	tryptophan synthase subunit alpha
1048	 67.35	0	1128703..1129575	+	290	119897340	accD	azo1049	-	acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit b
1049	 68.98	0	1129592..1130890	+	432	119897341	folC	azo1050	-	dihydrofolate synthase / tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate synthase
1050	 71.03	0	1130902..1131543	+	213	119897342	-	azo1051	-	hypothetical protein
1051	 66.26	0	1131554..1132045	+	163	119897343	cvpA	azo1052	-	putative colicin V production protein
1052	 64.58	0	1132057..1133586	+	509	119897344	purF	azo1053	-	amidophosphoribosyltransferase
1053	 67.61	0	1133594..1134763	+	389	119897345	metZ	azo1054	-	O-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase
1054	 69.41	0	1134854..1135654	-	266	119897346	lpxH	azo1055	-	UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase
67.83	MEAN

4.13	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.