IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Aquifex aeolicus VF5

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 43.45 STD DEV: 3.70
Aquifex aeolicus VF5, complete genome - 1..1551335
1529 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
165	 44.53	0	132582..134582	+	666	15605773	narB	aq_217	-	nitrate reductase narB
166	 41.29	0	134585..136105	-	506	15605774	nifA	aq_218	-	NifA family transcriptional regulator
167	 49.67	+1	136122..136574	-	150	15605775	dut	aq_220	-	deoxyuridine 5'triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase
168	 48.15	+1	136567..138894	-	775	15605776	phpA	aq_221	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
169	 42.12	0	138897..139169	-	90	15605777	rpsO	aq_226a	-	ribosomal protein S15
170	 47.06	0	139228..141390	-	720	15605778	aldH2	aq_227	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
171	 42.09	0	141804..143150	+	448	15605779	ntrC3	aq_230	-	NtrC family transcriptional regulator
172	 43.14	0	143094..144113	-	339	15605780	hksP4	aq_231	-	histidine kinase sensor protein
173	 46.76	0	144275..145585	+	436	15605781	dhsU	aq_232	-	flavocytochrome C sulfide dehydrogenase
174	 45.33	0	145595..146311	+	238	15605782	soxF	aq_234	-	Rieske-I iron sulfur protein
175	 45.30	0	146292..147545	+	417	15605783	fccB'	aq_235	-	sulfide dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit
176	 48.21	+1	147546..149078	-	510	15605784	guaA	aq_236	-	bifunctional GMP synthase/glutamine amidotransferase protein
177	 45.35	0	149124..149639	+	171	15605785	sodC2	aq_238	-	superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn)
178	 45.23	0	149720..150274	+	184	15605786	folE	aq_239	-	GTP cyclohydrolase I
179	 46.62	0	150271..151173	-	300	15605787	-	aq_240	-	hypothetical protein
180	 47.45	+1	151206..153593	+	795	15605788	lon	aq_242	-	Lon protease
181	 42.88	0	153580..155067	-	495	15605789	-	aq_243	-	hypothetical protein
182	 45.11	0	155054..156148	-	364	15605790	leuB	aq_244	-	3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
183	 41.53	0	156794..157891	+	365	15605791	purK	aq_245	-	phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase ATPase subunit
184	 43.33	0	157857..158696	-	279	15605792	-	aq_246	-	hypothetical protein
185	 46.83	0	158696..160132	-	478	15605793	gatA	aq_247	-	glutamyl-tRNA (Gln) amidotransferase subunit A
186	 45.89	0	160145..160582	-	145	15605794	-	aq_250	-	hypothetical protein
187	 43.17	0	160629..161309	-	226	15605795	-	aq_251	-	N-glycosylase/DNA lyase
188	 44.29	0	161325..161744	-	139	15605796	-	aq_252	-	hypothetical protein
189	 44.44	0	161732..162217	-	161	15605797	kdtB	aq_253	-	lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein
190	 49.75	+1	162752..163159	+	135	15605798	-	aq_254	-	S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme
191	 35.19	-2	163193..163678	+	161	15605799	-	aq_255	-	hypothetical protein
192	 42.80	0	164100..165377	-	425	15605800	ygcA	aq_257	-	RNA methyltransferase
193	 43.59	0	165358..166371	-	337	15605801	nusA	aq_259	-	transcription elongation factor NusA
194	 42.14	0	166365..166841	-	158	15605802	-	aq_260	-	hypothetical protein
195	 43.68	0	167586..168155	-	189	15605803	-	aq_262	-	hypothetical protein
196	 44.44	0	168918..169889	+	323	15605804	hemC	aq_263	-	porphobilinogen deaminase
197	 36.24	-1	169886..170539	+	217	15605805	-	aq_264	-	hypothetical protein
198	 38.94	-1	170475..171491	-	338	15605806	-	aq_265	-	hypothetical protein
199	 41.86	0	171596..172732	+	378	15605807	-	aq_267	-	hypothetical protein
200	 42.25	0	172848..173318	+	156	15605808	-	aq_268	-	hypothetical protein
201	 43.76	0	173338..173826	-	162	15605809	-	aq_269	-	hypothetical protein
202	 46.15	0	173860..174678	+	272	15605810	lgt	aq_270	-	prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase
203	 44.22	0	174675..175886	+	403	15605811	-	aq_271	-	hypothetical protein
204	 37.78	-1	175879..176328	-	149	15605812	-	aq_272	-	hypothetical protein
205	 46.48	0	176409..177572	+	387	15605813	aspC4	aq_273	-	aspartate aminotransferase
206	 46.00	0	177613..178299	+	228	15605814	-	aq_274	-	hypothetical protein
207	 45.53	0	178587..179963	-	458	15605815	-	aq_276	-	hypothetical protein
208	 44.40	0	179960..181378	-	472	15605816	-	aq_277	-	hypothetical protein
209	 47.71	+1	181375..183210	-	611	15605817	-	aq_278	-	hypothetical protein
210	 41.11	0	183235..183774	-	179	15605818	acrR3	aq_281	-	TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator
211	 42.21	0	183890..184531	+	213	15605819	mutY1	aq_282	-	endonuclease III
212	 44.38	0	184528..185025	-	165	15605820	-	aq_283	-	hypothetical protein
213	 44.67	0	185022..186344	-	440	15605821	-	aq_284	-	hypothetical protein
214	 39.20	-1	186373..186900	-	175	15605822	-	aq_286	-	hypothetical protein
215	 42.41	0	186900..187373	-	157	15605823	smpB	aq_287	-	SsrA-binding protein
216	 44.99	0	187381..188349	-	322	15605824	-	aq_288	-	hypothetical protein
217	 45.98	0	188378..189856	+	492	15605825	-	aq_291	-	hypothetical protein
218	 36.62	-1	189867..190262	+	131	15605826	-	aq_293	-	hypothetical protein
219	 39.78	0	190268..191383	+	371	15605827	-	aq_294	-	hypothetical protein
220	 42.69	0	191380..192630	+	416	15605828	-	aq_296	-	hypothetical protein
221	 46.22	0	192623..193297	+	224	15605829	abcT8	aq_297	-	ABC transporter
222	 46.48	0	193284..194561	-	425	15605830	serS	aq_298	-	seryl-tRNA synthetase
223	 47.22	+1	194591..196369	+	592	15605831	glmS	aq_301	-	glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase
224	 46.67	0	196370..196714	-	114	15605832	-	aq_302	-	hypothetical protein
225	 42.01	0	196711..197817	-	368	15605833	-	aq_303	-	hypothetical protein
226	 47.06	0	197804..200674	-	956	15605834	ileS	aq_305	-	isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase
227	 44.30	0	200713..203292	+	859	15605835	mutS1	aq_308	-	DNA mismatch repair protein
228	 43.51	0	204008..204754	-	248	15605836	-	aq_311	-	hypothetical protein
229	 45.83	0	204741..205580	-	279	15605837	-	aq_313	-	hypothetical protein
230	 40.87	0	205589..206026	-	145	15605838	-	aq_314	-	hypothetical protein
231	 41.05	0	206135..207067	-	310	15605839	hksP2	aq_316	-	histidine kinase sensor protein
232	 42.94	0	207352..208038	+	228	15605840	phoB	aq_319	-	transcriptional regulator (PhoB-like)
233	 40.87	0	208049..208645	+	198	15605841	-	aq_321	-	hypothetical protein
234	 41.75	0	208642..209841	-	399	15605842	dnaA	aq_322	-	chromosome replication initiator protein DnaA
235	 45.00	0	209932..210942	-	336	15605843	-	aq_323	-	hypothetical protein
236	 44.57	0	211034..211816	+	260	15605844	-	aq_324	-	hypothetical protein
237	 44.18	0	211813..212577	-	254	15605845	murI	aq_325	-	glutamate racemase
238	 37.29	-1	212605..213666	+	353	15605846	kdtA	aq_326	-	3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid transferase
239	 46.56	0	213641..214411	-	256	15605847	-	aq_327	-	hypothetical protein
240	 44.38	0	214370..214885	+	171	15605848	-	aq_328	-	hypothetical protein
241	 42.63	0	214915..215796	+	293	15605849	-	aq_331	-	hypothetical protein
242	 44.64	0	215954..216970	+	338	15605850	dcuP	aq_334	-	uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
243	 45.52	0	217169..217759	-	196	15605851	-	aq_336	-	hypothetical protein
244	 44.49	0	217910..218716	-	268	15605852	cysQ	aq_337	-	CysQ protein
245	 42.05	0	218720..219373	-	217	15605853	-	aq_338	-	hypothetical protein
246	 31.68	-2	219402..221159	+	585	15605854	-	aq_340	-	hypothetical protein
247	 38.21	-1	222065..222556	+	163	15605855	-	aq_341	-	hypothetical protein
248	 42.51	0	222567..223340	+	257	15605856	-	aq_342	-	hypothetical protein
249	 39.89	0	223332..224231	-	299	15605857	arsA2	aq_343	-	anion transporting ATPase
250	 42.23	0	224228..225160	-	310	15605858	rfaD	aq_344	-	ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose-6-epimerase
251	 43.08	0	225588..227465	+	625	15605859	-	aq_345	-	hypothetical protein
252	 44.91	0	227462..228040	-	192	15605860	pth	aq_346	-	peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase
253	 48.25	+1	228045..228500	-	151	15605861	ctc	aq_348	-	general stress protein Ctc
254	 48.32	+1	228716..229936	+	406	15605862	ribA	aq_350	-	GTP cyclohydrolase II
255	 48.50	+1	229933..231837	-	634	15605863	leuS	aq_351	-	leucyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit
256	 47.43	+1	231841..232578	-	245	15605864	-	aq_355	-	hypothetical protein
257	 46.38	0	232592..234178	-	528	15605865	leuA1	aq_356	-	alpha-isopropylmalate/homocitrate synthase family transferase
258	 38.95	-1	234260..234526	+	88	15605866	flgM	aq_357a	-	anti sigma factor FlgM
259	 42.46	0	234590..236518	+	642	15605867	dinG	aq_358	-	ATP-dependent helicase DinG
260	 37.72	-1	236530..237600	+	356	15605868	-	aq_359	-	hypothetical protein
261	 45.56	0	237559..238302	-	247	15605869	timA	aq_360	-	triose phophate isomerase
262	 43.36	0	238638..239435	-	265	15605870	-	aq_362	-	hypothetical protein
263	 43.06	0	239435..239866	-	143	15605871	-	aq_363	-	hypothetical protein
264	 40.74	0	239863..240240	-	125	15605872	-	aq_364	-	hypothetical protein
43.45	MEAN

3.70	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.