IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Aquifex aeolicus VF5

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 43.45 STD DEV: 3.70
Aquifex aeolicus VF5, complete genome - 1..1551335
1529 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
66	 44.88	0	49062..50351	-	429	15605676	secY	aq_079	-	preprotein translocase subunit SecY
67	 47.62	+1	50396..50605	+	69	15605677	rpmB	aq_080	-	ribosomal protein L28
68	 49.29	+1	50605..51801	+	398	15605678	aroC	aq_081	-	chorismate synthase
69	 35.66	-2	51803..52405	+	200	15605679	-	aq_082	-	hypothetical protein
70	 41.10	0	52390..53406	-	338	15605680	-	aq_083	-	hypothetical protein
71	 48.26	+1	53671..54474	+	267	15605681	kdsA	aq_085	-	2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase
72	 43.74	0	54471..55133	+	220	15605682	modC	aq_086	-	molybdenum ABC transporter permease
73	 48.54	+1	55256..55597	+	113	15605683	-	aq_087	-	hypothetical protein
74	 47.92	+1	55612..55947	+	111	15605684	-	aq_088	-	hypothetical protein
75	 44.94	0	55975..56379	+	134	15605685	-	aq_090	-	hypothetical protein
76	 44.95	0	56372..57964	+	530	15607134	-	aq_091m	-	AAA ATPase family protein
77	 46.01	0	57961..60366	-	801	15605686	nrdA	aq_094	-	ribonucleotide reductase alpha chain
78	 43.63	0	60452..61675	-	407	15605687	-	aq_097	-	hypothetical protein
79	 46.20	0	61696..61998	+	100	15605688	secG	aq_098	-	protein export membrane protein SecG
80	 42.67	0	61934..62779	+	281	15605689	hemK	aq_099	-	protoporphyrinogen oxidase
81	 43.49	0	62770..64020	+	416	15605690	hly3	aq_101	-	hemolysin
82	 42.51	0	63986..64726	-	246	15605691	-	aq_103	-	hypothetical protein
83	 43.85	0	64729..65841	-	370	15605692	-	aq_104	-	hypothetical protein
84	 40.83	0	65727..66446	+	239	15605693	-	aq_106	-	hypothetical protein
85	 37.96	-1	65828..66151	-	107	15607135	rbfA	aq_106a	-	ribosome-binding factor A
86	 46.46	0	66706..66903	+	65	15605694	fdx4	aq_108a	-	ferredoxin
87	 41.98	0	66900..67142	-	80	15605695	hfq	aq_108b	-	host factor I
88	 46.31	0	67339..67677	+	112	15605696	glnB	aq_109	-	nitrogen regulatory PII protein
89	 47.09	0	67698..69107	+	469	15605697	glnA	aq_111	-	glutamine synthetase
90	 46.62	0	69169..70440	+	423	15605698	amtB	aq_112	-	ammonium transporter
91	 46.04	0	70454..71500	+	348	15605699	-	aq_113	-	hypothetical protein
92	 44.90	0	71803..72243	-	146	15605700	-	aq_114	-	hypothetical protein
93	 42.99	0	72560..74122	-	520	15605701	-	aq_116	-	hypothetical protein
94	 47.82	+1	74123..75316	-	397	15605702	pgk	aq_118	-	phosphoglycerate kinase
95	 46.48	0	75328..75981	-	217	15605703	talC	aq_119	-	putative translaldolase
96	 46.65	0	76010..77038	-	342	15605704	-	aq_121	-	hypothetical protein
97	 47.03	0	77035..78246	-	403	15605705	hisS1	aq_122	-	histidyl-tRNA synthetase
98	 41.89	0	78328..78666	+	112	15605706	rpsP	aq_123	-	ribosomal protein S16
99	 45.83	0	78663..78902	+	79	15605707	-	aq_124a	-	hypothetical protein
100	 37.09	-1	78902..79300	+	132	15605708	-	aq_125	-	hypothetical protein
101	 38.06	-1	79305..79748	+	147	15605709	-	aq_126	-	hypothetical protein
102	 44.44	0	79748..80566	+	272	15605710	-	aq_127	-	hypothetical protein
103	 47.00	0	80390..81808	-	472	15605711	-	aq_128	-	hypothetical protein
104	 49.46	+1	81823..82287	+	154	15605712	ribH	aq_132	-	riboflavin synthase beta subunit
105	 42.95	0	82284..82730	+	148	15605713	nusB	aq_133	-	transcription antitermination protein NusB
106	 46.05	0	82932..83387	+	151	15605714	-	aq_134	-	hypothetical protein
107	 42.41	0	83384..84331	+	315	15605715	nueM	aq_135	-	NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)
108	 46.63	0	84354..85421	+	355	15605716	cpx	aq_136	-	cytochrome c peroxidase
109	 43.14	0	85418..86488	-	356	15605717	ribD1	aq_138	-	riboflavin specific deaminase
110	 41.27	0	86485..87429	-	314	15605718	ribF	aq_139	-	riboflavin kinase
111	 46.17	0	87436..87801	-	121	15605719	pkcI	aq_141	-	protein kinase C inhibitor
112	 45.12	0	88156..88596	+	146	15605720	-	aq_142	-	hypothetical protein
113	 40.46	0	88593..89546	+	317	15605721	rfaC2	aq_145	-	ADP-heptose:LPS heptosyltransferase
114	 43.34	0	89543..90421	+	292	15605722	cobW	aq_147	-	cobalamin synthesis related protein CobW
115	 43.18	0	90418..91077	+	219	15605723	deoC	aq_148	-	deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase
116	 47.69	+1	91085..91864	+	259	15605724	gltA	aq_150	-	citrate synthase
117	 42.63	0	91861..92301	+	146	15605725	tlpA	aq_152	-	thiol disulfide interchange protein
118	 45.01	0	92881..93771	+	296	15605726	ctaA	aq_153	-	heme O oxygenase
119	 45.39	0	93768..94646	+	292	15605727	ctaB	aq_154	-	cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor
120	 43.58	0	94648..95808	+	386	15605728	-	aq_155	-	hypothetical protein
121	 41.10	0	96008..96406	+	132	15605729	-	aq_156	-	hypothetical protein
122	 38.65	-1	96408..96896	+	162	15605730	-	aq_157	-	hypothetical protein
123	 42.72	0	96893..97297	+	134	15605731	apfA	aq_158	-	AP4A hydrolase
124	 45.72	0	97287..97835	-	182	15605732	-	aq_159	-	hypothetical protein
125	 38.51	-1	98536..99018	+	160	15605733	folK	aq_162	-	folate biosynthesis 7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin-pyrophosphokinase
126	 41.91	0	99015..100343	+	442	15605734	ntrC4	aq_164	-	NtrC family transcriptional regulator
127	 41.16	0	100330..101019	-	229	15605735	-	aq_165	-	hypothetical protein
128	 44.24	0	101014..101811	+	265	15605736	proC	aq_166	-	pyrroline carboxylate reductase
129	 40.42	0	101772..102392	+	206	15605737	-	aq_167	-	hypothetical protein
130	 43.73	0	102389..102898	-	169	15605738	-	aq_168	-	hypothetical protein
131	 41.67	0	102853..103296	-	147	15605739	-	aq_169	-	hypothetical protein
132	 46.04	0	103299..104660	-	453	15605740	bioA	aq_170	-	DAPA aminotransferase
133	 36.03	-2	104858..105598	+	246	15605741	-	aq_171	-	hypothetical protein
134	 37.41	-1	105912..106574	-	220	15605742	mutY2	aq_172	-	endonuclease III
135	 39.78	0	106547..107290	-	247	15605743	-	aq_173	-	hypothetical protein
136	 38.77	-1	107287..108795	-	502	15605744	-	aq_175	-	hypothetical protein
137	 38.16	-1	108792..108998	-	68	15605745	-	aq_175a	-	hypothetical protein
138	 41.67	0	109002..109145	-	47	15605746	rpmH	aq_175b	-	ribosomal protein L34
139	 48.84	+1	109189..109491	-	100	15605747	atpE	aq_177	-	ATP synthase F0 subunit c
140	 43.87	0	109507..109914	-	135	15605748	-	aq_178	-	hypothetical protein
141	 43.63	0	109916..110566	-	216	15605749	atpB	aq_179	-	ATP synthase F0 subunit a
142	 47.90	+1	110616..111377	+	253	15605750	hisF	aq_181	-	HisF (cyclase)
143	 33.60	-2	111355..112101	-	248	15605751	-	aq_182	-	hypothetical protein
144	 37.10	-1	112111..113304	-	397	15605752	-	aq_183	-	hypothetical protein
145	 44.59	0	113301..113531	-	76	15605753	rpoZ	aq_183a	-	RNA polymerase omega subunit
146	 42.42	0	113515..113844	-	109	15605754	-	aq_184	-	hypothetical protein
147	 45.99	0	114179..114652	-	157	15605755	tagD1	aq_185	-	glycerol-3-phosphate cytidyltransferase
148	 48.08	+1	114649..116079	-	476	15605756	aldH1	aq_186	-	aldehyde dehydrogenase
149	 47.52	+1	116090..117442	-	450	15605757	hslU	aq_192	-	ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit
150	 46.88	0	117420..117884	-	154	15605758	-	aq_194	-	hypothetical protein
151	 46.82	0	117938..118960	+	340	15605759	trpD1	aq_196	-	phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase
152	 40.48	0	118960..120162	+	400	15605760	-	aq_197	-	hypothetical protein
153	 46.90	0	120228..121451	+	407	15605761	-	aq_199	-	hypothetical protein
154	 46.57	0	121448..122074	+	208	15605762	-	aq_200	-	hypothetical protein
155	 43.35	0	122071..122679	+	202	15605763	-	aq_202	-	hypothetical protein
156	 39.93	0	122663..123844	+	393	15605764	atpG2	aq_203	-	ATP synthase F1 gamma subunit
157	 46.03	0	123819..124700	-	293	15605765	-	aq_204	-	hypothetical protein
158	 42.04	0	124821..127829	+	1002	15605766	nirB	aq_206	-	nitrite reductase (NAD(P)H) large subunit
159	 45.99	0	127845..128579	+	244	15605767	cobA	aq_207	-	uroporphyrin-III c-methyltransferase
160	 44.73	0	128584..129513	+	309	15605768	trpD2	aq_209	-	phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase
161	 43.10	0	129647..130066	+	139	15605769	fhp	aq_211	-	flavohemoprotein
162	 46.00	0	130079..130528	+	149	15605770	cynS	aq_212	-	cyanate hydratase
163	 47.57	+1	130544..131161	+	205	15605771	glnBi	aq_213	-	PII-like protein GlnBi
164	 46.15	0	131158..132585	+	475	15605772	nasA	aq_215	-	nitrate transporter
165	 44.53	0	132582..134582	+	666	15605773	narB	aq_217	-	nitrate reductase narB
43.45	MEAN

3.70	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.