IslandPathversion 1.0

IslandPath Analysis: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae L20

Each circle in the graphic corresponds to a predicted protein-coding ORF in the genome. Circle colours indicate if an ORF has a higher or lower %G+C than cutoffs you set below --(default is +/- 3.48 of the mean %G+C). Strike lines across the circles represent regions with dinucleotide bias above a pre-determined cutoff. Click on a circle to view a different portion of the table presented below the graph (default is the first 100 ORFs).
A yellow circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the high value. A green circle indicates its %G+C value is bigger than the low value and smaller than the high value. A pink circle indicates its %G+C value is smaller than the low value. A strike line across the circles indicates the region has dinucleotide bais above 1 STD DEV. A black verticle bar indicates a transfer RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A purple verticle bar indicates a ribosomal RNA gene lies between the two ORFs. A deep blue verticle bar indicates both a tRNA and rRNA gene lie between the two ORFs. A black square indicates the dot is annotated as a transposase. A black triangle indicates the dot is annotated as an integrase. Low: High: Mean: 41.85 STD DEV: 3.64
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae L20, complete genome - 1..2274482
2012 proteins
Pos	%G+C	SD	Location	Strand	Length	PID	Gene	Synonym	Code	Product
529	 49.88	+2	606616..607026	+	136	126208017	thiG	APL_0535	-	thiazole biosynthesis protein ThiG
530	 43.54	0	607036..608181	+	381	126208018	thiH	APL_0536	-	thiazole biosynthesis protein ThiH
531	 44.55	0	608236..608859	+	207	126208019	-	APL_0537	-	putative transcriptional activator
532	 41.59	0	608882..609826	+	314	126208020	-	APL_0538	-	putative ABC transporter substrate-binding protein
533	 43.79	0	609992..610450	+	152	126208021	thiD	APL_0539	-	phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase
534	 44.20	0	610464..610877	+	137	126208022	thiE	APL_0540	-	thiamine monophosphate synthase
535	 44.83	0	611049..612848	+	599	126208023	lepA	APL_0541	-	GTP-binding protein LepA
536	 41.15	0	612953..613912	+	319	126208024	lepB	APL_0542	-	Signal peptidase I
537	 41.07	0	614009..614680	+	223	126208025	rnc	APL_0543	-	ribonuclease III
538	 41.64	0	614750..615664	+	304	126208026	era	APL_0544	-	GTP-binding protein Era
539	 41.91	0	615674..616396	+	240	126208027	recO	APL_0545	-	DNA repair protein RecO
540	 33.33	-2	616487..618049	-	520	126208028	tadG	APL_0546	-	tight adherence protein G
541	 37.52	-1	618073..618669	-	198	126208029	tadF	APL_0547	-	tight adherence protein F
542	 37.65	-1	618641..619126	-	161	126208030	tadE	APL_0548	-	tight adherence protein E
543	 36.52	-1	619129..619881	-	250	126208031	tadD	APL_0549	-	tight adherence protein D
544	 36.29	-1	619871..620716	-	281	126208032	tadC	APL_0550	-	tight adherence protein C
545	 39.64	0	620716..621603	-	295	126208033	tadB	APL_0551	-	tight adherence protein B
546	 42.18	0	621603..622880	-	425	126208034	tadA	APL_0552	-	tight adherence protein A
547	 39.01	0	622889..624016	-	375	126208035	tadZ	APL_0553	-	flp operon protein D
548	 34.33	-2	624179..624682	-	167	126208036	rcpB	APL_0554	-	rough colony protein B
549	 39.24	0	624679..626067	-	462	126208037	rcpA	APL_0555	-	rough colony protein A
550	 39.19	0	626057..626875	-	272	126208038	rcpC	APL_0556	-	flp operon protein C
551	 40.33	0	626904..627332	-	142	126208039	tadV	APL_0557	-	flp operon protein B
552	 39.58	0	627377..627568	-	63	126208040	flp2	APL_0558	-	minor fimbrial protein
553	 33.33	-2	627628..627858	-	76	126208041	flp1	APL_0559	-	fimbrial protein Flp precursor
554	 43.24	0	628451..629671	+	406	126208042	rhlB	APL_0560	-	ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlB
555	 40.90	0	629789..630211	+	140	126208043	-	APL_0561	-	hypothetical protein
556	 45.93	+1	630262..631746	+	494	126208044	-	APL_0562	-	hypothetical protein
557	 41.28	0	631946..632977	+	343	126208045	afuA_2	APL_0563	-	Fe3+ ABC transporter, iron-binding protein
558	 44.08	0	633109..635109	+	666	126208046	afuB_2	APL_0564	-	ferric transport system permease protein
559	 45.14	0	635398..638538	+	1046	126208047	cirA	APL_0565	-	ABC transporter ATP-binding protein
560	 41.84	0	638803..639519	+	238	126208048	rpsB	APL_0566	-	30S ribosomal protein S2
561	 43.54	0	639615..640466	+	283	126208049	tsf	APL_0567	-	elongation factor Ts
562	 39.12	0	640596..642149	-	517	126208050	-	APL_0568	-	hypothetical protein
563	 43.98	0	642261..642974	+	237	126208051	pyrH	APL_0569	-	uridylate kinase
564	 39.43	0	643158..643715	+	185	126208052	frr	APL_0570	-	ribosome recycling factor
565	 39.04	0	643793..645193	-	466	126208053	gntR	APL_0571	-	HTH-type transcriptional regulator
566	 46.40	+1	645280..646167	+	295	126208054	pdxS	APL_0572	-	pyridoxine biosynthesis protein
567	 43.92	0	646167..646742	+	191	126208055	pdxT	APL_0573	-	glutamine amidotransferase subunit PdxT
568	 42.46	0	646816..647385	-	189	126208056	-	APL_0574	-	tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase
569	 47.53	+1	647423..649282	-	619	126208057	deaD	APL_0575	-	cold-shock DEAD box protein A-like protein
570	 40.98	0	649504..650445	-	313	126208058	nlpI	APL_0576	-	lipoprotein NlpI
571	 45.76	+1	650506..652653	-	715	126208059	pnp	APL_0577	-	polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase
572	 44.95	0	652954..655200	+	748	126208060	parC	APL_0578	-	DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A
573	 43.69	0	655340..656671	+	443	126208061	mukF	APL_0579	-	condesin subunit F
574	 45.94	+1	656751..657464	+	237	126208062	mukE	APL_0580	-	condesin subunit E
575	 44.33	0	657485..661975	+	1496	126208063	mukB	APL_0581	-	cell division protein MukB
576	 42.18	0	662052..663227	+	391	126208064	sotB	APL_0582	-	sugar efflux transporter
577	 40.34	0	663279..665018	-	579	126208065	-	APL_0583	-	hypothetical protein
578	 38.74	0	665021..665242	-	73	126208066	-	APL_0584	-	hypothetical protein
579	 38.34	0	665452..666030	+	192	126208067	-	APL_0585	-	hypothetical protein
580	 43.86	0	666063..667268	+	401	126208068	-	APL_0586	-	putative RND efflux membrane fusion protein
581	 43.21	0	667281..670400	+	1039	126208069	acrB	APL_0587	-	acriflavine resistance protein
582	 43.67	0	670619..671992	+	457	126208070	glmU	APL_0588	-	bifunctional N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase/glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransferase
583	 38.05	-1	672091..672408	-	105	126208071	-	APL_0589	-	hypothetical protein
584	 39.61	0	672412..673032	-	206	126208072	-	APL_0590	-	hypothetical protein
585	 42.19	0	673326..674984	+	552	126208073	pgm	APL_0591	-	phosphoglucomutase/phosphomannomutase
586	 43.45	0	675066..676637	-	523	126208074	guaA	APL_0592	-	bifunctional GMP synthase/glutamine amidotransferase protein
587	 44.81	0	677056..678519	-	487	126208075	guaB	APL_0593	-	inositol-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase
588	 45.93	+1	678772..679398	+	208	126208076	rrmJ	APL_0594	-	23S rRNA methyltransferase J
589	 45.35	0	679502..681424	+	640	126208077	ftsH	APL_0595	-	cell division protease FtsH-like protein
590	 40.66	0	681662..682876	+	404	126208078	tyrP-A	APL_0596	-	tyrosine-specific transport protein 1
591	 43.43	0	682972..684189	+	405	126208079	tyrP-B	APL_0597	-	tyrosine-specific transport protein 2
592	 41.44	0	684296..686848	+	850	126208080	glnD	APL_0598	-	PII uridylyl-transferase
593	 40.35	0	686881..687279	-	132	126208081	-	APL_0599	-	hypothetical protein
594	 41.72	0	687584..688012	+	142	126208082	rplM	APL_0600	-	50S ribosomal protein L13
595	 44.19	0	688029..688424	+	131	126208083	rpsI	APL_0601	-	30S ribosomal protein S9
596	 40.74	0	688546..689328	+	260	126208084	-	APL_0602	-	hypothetical protein
597	 41.39	0	689328..689873	+	181	126208085	-	APL_0603	-	hypothetical protein
598	 41.34	0	689899..690822	+	307	126208086	fieF	APL_0604	-	cation-efflux pump FieF
599	 42.67	0	690803..691573	+	256	126208087	-	APL_0605	-	hypothetical protein
600	 42.53	0	691672..692997	+	441	126208088	-	APL_0606	-	symporter protein
601	 42.08	0	693099..693761	-	220	126208089	nfnB	APL_0607	-	putative NAD(P)H nitroreductase
602	 41.84	0	694038..695024	+	328	126208090	pheS	APL_0608	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha
603	 43.55	0	695123..697510	+	795	126208091	pheT	APL_0609	-	phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta
604	 42.42	0	697528..697824	+	98	126208092	ihfA	APL_0610	-	integration host factor, alpha chain
605	 43.43	0	697885..698409	+	174	126208093	-	APL_0611	-	putative lipoprotein
606	 38.57	0	698682..699464	-	260	126208094	-	APL_0612	-	putative transposase
607	 40.78	0	699506..700015	-	169	126208095	-	APL_0613	-	transposase
608	 40.42	0	700088..700807	-	239	126208096	bioD	APL_0614	-	dithiobiotin synthetase
609	 35.52	-1	700861..702051	-	396	126208097	mlc	APL_0615	-	putative transcriptional repressor of carbohydrate metabolism
610	 40.50	0	702230..703345	+	371	126208098	rnd	APL_0616	-	ribonuclease D
611	 37.68	-1	703430..703912	+	160	126208099	lrp	APL_0617	-	leucine-responsive transcriptional regulator
612	 44.34	0	703924..706794	+	956	126208100	ftsK	APL_0618	-	DNA translocase FtsK
613	 45.02	0	706979..707842	+	287	126208101	-	APL_0619	-	hypothetical protein
614	 44.88	0	707965..709038	+	357	126208102	aroG	APL_0620	-	phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase
615	 43.00	0	709142..709834	+	230	126208103	-	APL_0621	-	putative M22-like peptidase
616	 40.21	0	710274..710855	-	193	126208104	tdk	APL_0622	-	thymidine kinase
617	 32.88	-2	710915..711133	-	72	126208105	-	APL_0623	-	hypothetical protein
618	 46.55	+1	711318..712316	+	332	126208106	glpX	APL_0624	-	fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase II
619	 41.86	0	712379..713152	-	257	126208107	-	APL_0625	-	hypothetical protein
620	 40.20	0	713244..715166	-	640	126208108	macB	APL_0626	-	putative macrolide-specific ABC-type efflux carrier
621	 40.45	0	715311..716195	-	294	126208109	-	APL_0627	-	two-component sensor protein
622	 35.76	-1	716424..716711	-	95	126208110	-	APL_0628	-	hypothetical protein
623	 38.96	0	716776..717504	-	242	126208111	cpxR	APL_0629	-	transcriptional regulatory protein CpxR
624	 40.67	0	717629..718228	-	199	126208112	mazG	APL_0630	-	pyrophosphatase
625	 42.73	0	718567..719460	+	297	126208113	accD	APL_0631	-	acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunit beta
626	 41.53	0	719517..720821	+	434	126208114	folC	APL_0632	-	folylpolyglutamate synthase/dihydrofolate synthase
627	 45.40	0	721030..722595	+	521	126208115	hsdM3	APL_0633	-	putative type I modification enzyme
628	 34.86	-1	722739..723980	+	413	126208116	hsdS3	APL_0634	-	putative type I restriction system specificity protein
41.85	MEAN

3.64	STD DEV

Last Updated: Dec 04, 2008

Funding for this work was provided by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. This service is hosted by the Brinkman Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University.